The picture

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Deloris POV

"Come on come come on I know I left them in here"

I was looking for the leftover glitter jars I hid in mother superior's office. The reason i'm being sneaky is because well.....she doesnt know I put them here,but what else was I supposed to do Patrick wouldn't stop wasting them. As I checked under the desk for like the tenth time I heard the door open and immediatly bamged my head on the desk knocking pictures off it.

" MOTHER SUPERIOR I CAN EXPLAIN!" I cried terrified on what shed do, that old bat can sure be scary when she wants. I heard giggling and looked up to find Mary Robert trying to conceal her laughter very, very poorly. " Don't scare me like that girl geez" " sorry just hehe your really scared of mother superior hehe aren't you." " You know I am she can be scary" " Yeah hehe as scary as Satan hehe." Mary Robert sure has changed since I came back and I honestly like it. She's grown from that shy girl to a confident women and I'm so proud of her. I'm especially proud that she wears my FM boots everyday.

" What are you looking for Deloris? Hidden glitter jars?" " As a matter of fact ye- wait how did you?" " I saw her move them to the closet." " Robert you're a lifesaver thanks." "No problem" And with that she left the room humming take me to heaven. I must say that girl has grown on me, but back to the matter at hand. I opened the closet and," FOUND THEM!" I screamed in joy grabbing the jars, but accidently knocking something down from the top shelf." O ****" I said as I picked up what was probably another picture of Jesus, but to my shock it wasn't. It was a young girl, a women of about 23, holding her obviously pregnant stomach next to man. Both seemed so happy and they were standing in front of something, a building, a church, our church. The women she looked just like Mother Superior, but how? Mother Superior never had ch-

" Your not suppose to be in here!"

I jumped
It was Mother Superior

" M-mother S-superior I I was just uh well." " Snooping in my office." " Well y-yes but but uh-" she snatched the picture from my hand fuming. What the hell did I do to her? "Get out now Deloris it is a sin to invade privacy." " Well sorry I was just looking for-" " That idiotic glitter yes you have it now go." Who put a bee in her habit?

" Mother Superior you ok?" " I am fine now leave Deloris." " You're obviously not fine if your being snappy look what's wrong you can tell me I won't tell a soul." She sighed and turned away placing the picture I was holding back on the top shelf and made a gesture to the seat in front of her desk. Sitting down I waited as she looked out the window.

" Deloris.......did I ever tell you how I got my calling?" " Well now that you mention it it never came up. Does it have to with the picture?" " Sigh.....yes yes it does it was long ago back when I was only 20." " Wow that long ago?" I said trying to add humor. " Very funny.....he made jokes like that all time." " He? The guy in the picture?" " Sigh yes him...." she seemed to get a dreamy look in her eye, SOMETHING I'd never thought I'd see from Mother Superior of all nuns. " We met just after I finished high school and-" " Hold up am I gonna need popcorn for this?" " Sigh no now if you don't want to listen" " No no continue" " Alright as I was saying it was just after I finished high school..."

To be continued~

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2018 ⏰

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