Chapter 2

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Early mornings I am used to them by now. 

"good morning"Father says "Good morning Father"I say. 

My father has been through a lot. he opened a bakery with his wife. my mother but when giving birth to me she died of sickness my father left to raise his daughter. He taught me everything I know about bread and pastries. Age is not on his side. As he grows older his heath declines. He means the world to me I can't leave him. 

"I can help you today"father says weakly. "no you rest I can do it myself I can manage"I say "ok fine Cassandra you win this round"Father jokes and coughs. 

"Father take it easy you rest I am going to start the rolls"I say "ok I will"Father says "good"I say. leaving the room and  walk down the old stairs. they start to creak. this house is freezing. I grab the firewood from the freezing outside. barely noticing the royal carriage pulling up. 

"so we meet again"a familiar voice says "not again why can't you take a hint when a girl is not interested"I say annoyed. "well I happened to like you so I am not giving up"He says I roll my eyes. 

"here let me help you with wood"he says bending down and picking up the logs from the woodpile we walk back to the bakery. "set them in the oven"I say "ok"he says placing the wood in the ovens covered in soot and ash. 

"you know you didn't have to do that"I say "well I want my future bride to have help"he says "wait what you chose me but I said no"I say "I saw you all those years never listening to my father's speeches baking bread being covered in flour and helping your father and for some reason I knew I wanted to marry you"he says 

"you barely know me and I don't know you so for you to chose me is crazy you're insane"I say and walk out of the bakery feeling the cold air through my old dress the cold stings my bones "wait miss don't be upset so we don't know each other but we can try"he says "no thanks leave me alone"I say "but miss I don't know your name"he says "and you don't need to"I say walking away "oh come on are you always this annoying"he asks "I am not some girl I am not a prize why can't you get that through your skull"I say. 

he remains silent looking at me with those dark brown eyes "and by the way my name is Cassandra"i say "well Cassandra i chose you to be my wife"he says i roll my eyes at him. i walk back the bakery starting the fire. 

"you should head back to the castle"i say "not without you"he says "i can't"i say "why"he asks "i can't leave my father"I say. "he wouldn't be alone i'll get a doctor and someone to care for him"he says "thank you"i say "see i am not all empty promises"he says. i laugh at him 

"now off to the carriage"he says "fine"i say he takes my arm "wait i have to say goodbye to my father"i say "i'll wait"he says i walk back to the bakery the stairs creek as i walk up them "father"i say "hey cass"father says sitting up. 

"so, i have to go because the prince chose me to be his wife"i say  "really i am so proud of you"father says smiling "they are going to take care of you"i say "good but i am going miss you but i know you are going to be lovely queen"father says. "goodbye father"i say hugging him tears roll down my face. "now don't cry wipe away your tears i am going to be fine ok but please visit"father says. 

"ok i will"i say i shut my father's door and walk down the old stairs i wipe my eyes i can do this i tell myself. I walk outside the prince is waiting. 

"now let's going to the carriage"he says i start to laugh "you have soft side"the prince says "you're idiot is what you are"i say insulting him "wow"he says offended he takes my arm we walk to carriage his driver opens the door the carriage is dark navy with a silver latch the horses are black. i step inside i see velvet seats "wow"i say he smiles i roll my eyes. he must be idiot to think i like him. he is prince after all. and i don't trust royals. the prince comes in next sitting next to me he tries to hold my hand. i glare at him he moves away. 

But, his dark brown eyes look at me his brown hair and tan skin he is not cover in soot or dirt or in old clothes. i look out the window 

"never been out the village before"he asks "no i haven't"i say "well you can explore the world"he says "why did you chose me why not a noble girl someone with a title"i ask "i don't want to marry a noble girl i want to marry a girl who has no title and no dowery and i chose you because you are beautiful and kind and sassy"he says "you haven't told me anything about you"i say "i want to talk to about you" he says i roll my eyes he is officially being a stupid prince. i continue looking out the window the trees start to fade away i see woods near a stone castle the iron gate starts to come up several servants and nobles stand outside the prince looks at me i glare at him the door opens and the drivers takes my hand helping me out everyone looks at me my dirty clothes and nasty hair they gasp at my appearance. 

"Is this our future queen"a nobleman asks disgusted i feel a lump in my throat don't cry i tell myself. Trying to hide tears but my cheeks get hot and i start to cry tears running down my face mixing in with the soot and ash on my face the nobleman doesn't look at me my feelings don't matter to him but his wife comes out looking at me. 

"so what if she's common girl she will be a great future queen"his wife says she wipes away my tears "don't cry child i am so sorry for my husband actions"she says and pulls me in for hug "thank you"i sniffle "anytime dear i can't wait to get know you over tea sometime"she says "i would love to have tea with you"i say smiling she smiles at me. 

he showed me to my new chambers opening dark oakwood doors with a silver handle the room was huge curtains light gold blanket dark navy with a silver design the room was warm and cozy "you clean yourself up for the festival tonight"the prince says "festival?"I ask "it's a celebration for us celebrating our union my father finally happy I found a bride he's been trying to arrange a marriage for me for years but I saw you that day in village and i thought to myself I have to marry her"he says smiling "you are so stupid" I say teasing him. 

"well I should go get ready myself"he says "wait what is your name"I ask "Colin prince Colin"Colin says "ok Colin"I say he leaves a servant girl enters "would you like me to draw a bath for you miss"the servant girl asks "yes please"I say I find a book on my nightstand and pick it up and start reading it "I didn't know you read and miss your bath is ready"the servant girl says leaving I walk to the bathroom getting rid of my old torn muddy dress I step into the warm water scrubbing my hair and body my hair was back normal and my skin was back to being a light color i wrap a robe around myself the servant girls come in cleaning my nails and painting my face with eye makeup and fixing my hair they dry it and start styling it I change into a dark purple strapless gown jewelry earrings and a simple necklace the servant girl lead me down the hall I walk into the ballroom everyone stares at me I look a normal high class girl Colin can't his eyes off me 

"you look beautiful"Colin says "see even a common girl can pull off a dress"I say he smiles at me I smile back "I knew it you have soft side"Colin says I laugh at him "you're ridicules sometimes"I say "I know"Colin says "shall we"Colin  asks giving me his hand I smile he leads me the dance floor "I don't know to dance"I say 

"we'll figuring it out"Colin says  putting his hand on my waist the music starting the orchestra starts playing a simple melody "now just feel the music"he says  we move across the dance floor he twirls me in and out we come together I wanted to dance the night away but the music stop everyone looking at us Colin's eyes looking at me he smiles and takes my hand we walk to the gardens 

"I knew you could dance"Colin says "I am not kidding I never learned how to dance"I say annoyed "fine"Colin says I sit on the bench "you like the view"Colin asks "yes the view is beautiful"I say the ocean was beautiful I had never seen one before I only heard stories and the stories were all wrong but Colin shouldn't have chosen me I am not ready to marry. another girl would have been a better choice. 

"Cassandra what's wrong"Colin asks "I wish you hadn't chosen me"I say walking away. why was I acting so cruel Colin has been nothing but kind. I lift up my dress and start running. I feel the wind in my hair it feels like freedom I run through the castle avoiding the ballroom and straight to my chambers i undo my hair and cry into my pillow. why I was being a idiot. and getting angry my first day at the castle and I screwed it up I sob harder. 

a/n: hey beauties, I hope you enjoying the story I wrote this story in a journal and had the idea to write it please comment and vote and maybe I will write a squeal 


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