Chapter 6

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A/N: I decided to change the point of view to Colin I will put who is talking on the top 

Colin's POV 

I wish Cassandra was here. I miss her warmth. I wake up alone with nobody to say Good Morning. The nobles decide her fate not my father. He pressures me everyday to find a girl to marry. I found one but my father told me she has get to approved by the nobles. It's so unfair why can't father see what I see a kingdom in need we destroyed their hope. My father makes empty promises he lies and uses people. Yet, he can't trust his own son I want to marry a common girl not a lady. My views on the kingdom is different from his. I get dressed and head towards the council chambers. I walk by Cassandra's chambers knocking on her door she opens the door and smiles "I couldn't wait I felt lonely without you"I say "I did too"Cassandra says she wears just a nightgown but she is still beautiful. I shut her door and pull her for a kiss my lips touch her her lips are soft and gentle I hold her running my hands down her back I want this moment to last forever. Cassandra breaks the kiss "you should go that council meeting"Cassandra says 

"I know but I don't want to leave you"I say "I am going to be fine" Cassandra says smiling I release her she shuts her door again I continue walking I don't know what the nobles are going to do I just pray they let me marry her she is only girl I care about ever since I saw her when I was just young prince I saw her with those beautiful eyes and big smile I remember our eyes met just for a second and I knew from the that single moment I wanted to marry her. I just want the nobles to approve of her. I walk into the council meeting. The nobles are sitting around the big dark oak wood table all talking ignoring my presence. I sit at the head of the table "prince Colin good morning"noble hunter says "good morning now I've come to ask you if you have made a decision on Cassandra"I say "well my prince we have"noble benson says "what is it"I ask "we have decided that Cassandra is fit be princess much to noble's Matthews dismay"Noble Benson says "good and noble Matthews why do you have against Cassandra" I ask "she is a common girl not ladylike and she has no dowry I am sorry my prince but kingdom needs money we are in mass debt"Noble Matthews says 

"Noble Matthews you are insane you just want a princess Cassandra is fit to rule. So what, she has no dowry I don't care. You just someone to fund your stupid farms and trade ports. We are not debt have you seen our villages they are desperate because you refuse to give them resources" I say "fine you win this time but I will not stop until you marry a princess like your father wanted"Noble Matthews says 

"My father put you put this tell my father this I will never marry a princess"I say walking out of the council chambers. I had to tell Cassandra the news she was going to become a princess and my wife I was so excited. Cassandra walks down the hall towards the library "

wait Cassandra I have news"I say trying to hide my smile "what news"Cassandra asks "You have been granted permission by the council to become a princess"I say  "really the council just allowed me to become princess"Cassandra says excited "yes"I say smiling she smiles back I kiss her. the kiss is soft and sweet she kisses back I break the kiss still smiling "so where are you going"I ask "the library"Cassandra says "I didn't know you were bookworm"I say "well I used read cookbooks back in my village"Cassandra says I didn't tell her about noble Matthews said my father will be dealt with he is getting old my mother is dead and yet my father wants me to marry a princess with money to fix the kingdoms "debt" I have seen the books. my father lies I had to beg the council to let a doctor take of Cassandra's father. the doctor is doing everything he can. A servant takes care of him everyday. I want to see Casandra happy she has suffered enough at my father's hand. I will fix the mess my father caused I will be a different king I will be the king that tells the truth. 

A/n: Do you guys want Colin's POV or Cassandra's POV tell me in the comments. The coronation will be 2 chapters. Read the next chapter to find out Cassandra's POV 

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