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D'Vanta POV:

My alarm went off annoying the fuck out of me, I  slam my hands down on it with rage and it crumbled.

"Fuck!! thats my 12 alarm clock for this week!!" I shouted.

"Honey is everything okay?" My mom shouts from down stairs.

"No! Everything is not okay...............stupid alrm clock." I shout back.

"Okay...........well hurry and start get ready for school, you don't want to be late." With that I got up and slowly walk to the bathroom and empty my blather.

After that I took a bath and wash my lollipop clean........... when I was finish I got dress and went down stairs, where I thought breakfast would be waiting but I was wrong. So I desided to go to school.

When I arrive something didn't feel right but I ignored it and went to my first class hoping that my teacher hasn't come back yet because I want to see Keke for some reason.

When I enter the class everybody went quiet.

"Okay whats the problem?" I asked.

"You haven't heard about the rumor? Everyone in the school already heard about it." Warren said.

"Just tell me what's the fucking rumor about." I commanded.

"Okay just chill dude........some girl started a rumor that says we're all fucking Keke." Warren said. Who the fuck started that rumor? I know it doesn't look bad on us, but it will make Keke look like a cheap hore and just the thought of that makes me mad.

"So what are we going to do?" Alex ask.

"Who cares about that bi....." Before he could of finish his sentence I was on top of him beating the living daylight out of him.

My wolf was in rage and was dieing to come out and rip him apart for that stupid comment he made.

It looks like Xack my beta know what was going to happen and he riped me off of him and drag me out of the class.

"Why are you so riled up over one stupid comment?" Xack asked with annoyance on his voice.

"I don't know."I replyed.

"When you where going out with Nicole, Stacy, Aryana, Nilly, etc. And someone says anything about them you never act like this, but your not even going out with this Keke girl and your beating up people for her. What's your problem man?" Xack asked fustaightedly.

"........." I was speechless.

"Chill so we can go back into class." Xack said releasing me from his grip. A little while after I calm down and we went back into class.

Shawn wasn't, someone must of took him to the infirmary. Everyone else was staring at me.

"What the fuck are you guys looking at?" I shouted. Everyone then turn there heads. I then went to my seat.


It's now lunch and I haven't seen Keke and my wolf is tripping out. If he doesn't see Keke soon someones going to get fuck. Lunch came to a finish and I've still not seen Keke.

I was heading to the school's auditorium because the principal said that the whole student body should be there for some important announcement that she was going to give.

When I arrived there.

The first person my eyes came in cantact with was Keke siting in the middle of the stage with a bunch of books and papers. She was wearing a white and red unicorn onesie and she was listening to music while she work.

My wolf was relief to see her. I then took a seat waiting for everyone to come in so that the principal can start.


And hour has past and the principals still not here, and Keke hasn't look up from her paper once. Suddenly her phone started to ring and everyone in the auditorium went quiet.

"Hello, who is this?" She said annoyed.

"Okay all tell them........but you owe." She said with a smirk.

"Bye and take your time." She then hang up her phone, and got up off the ground and walk towards the mic.

"The principal will be late because of and emergency with her daughter and she told me to tell you guys to sit here quietly and wait." Keke stated.

"Hi hore!" Someone shouted from the back of the auditorium. I clench my fist.

"Oh and about that rumor that is going around about the Alpha's and Beta's fucking me it's not true. And until I find out who spread the rumor all you bitches are my enemy's, so you know what that means: don't look at me too hard, don't say my name, don't fuck with me, you know what, when your around me don't even breathe too hard, because I'll fuck you up. If anyone have a problem, you can come and do some thing about it anytime you want, because I'm not scared of anyone of you. You can bring your father, mother, uncle, aunty anybody you want because I got does too. And to the person who spread the rumor get a life, and once you have a problem with me be a adult about it and come and tell me to my face and stop spreading rumors, thats was very childish of you." Everyone was shocked by what Keke said even my wolf could hear the conviction behind her word's and the rage in her eyes.

"Who the fuck are you calling childish bitch!! And F.Y.I I have a life!!" Everyone turn to see who said that.

"So your the one who spread the rumor!!" Keke murmured.

"And what are you going to do about it?" The Stacy shout back. Keke then jump off the stage and walk towards Stacy.

Stacy flinch a little before regaining her composer. Keke was now an inch away from Stacy.

"Why?!"Keke growled.

"Because I wanted too!" Stacy said back.

"Because you wanted too lower my standards to your level!" Keke exclaims. Suddenly I heard a PASSSSSS sound and Keke's face tilt to the right.

"My standards are very high bitch!" Stacy shouted. Keke then glared at her causing Stacy to start trimble for some reason and back away until she hit the wall.

Keke then threw a punch........................fuck if Stacy didn't duck her face would of bin rearrange the big whole in the wall tells me that.

Stacy then started to run towards the stage (why towards the stage....stupid bitch).

Keke turned and grab her blouse callor, but what surprised me is that her eye colour isn't black any more it's 'SCARELET RED'.

Keke turned and grab her blouse callor, but what surprised me is that her eye colour isn't black any more it's 'SCARELET RED'

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I've never seen a wolf with scarlet red eyes before, actually I didn't thought that exsist.

Everyone was in shock about what there seeing. Suddenly Keke slam Stacy to the floor. Then Xack and I vot up to part the fight, because Keke was going to kill Stacy.

I grabed Keke and Xack grab Stacy and took her out of the room. Keke was struggling to get free from my grip. I have to admit for such a small virl she's pretty strong.

"Calm down Keke." I whispered in her ears over and over again.

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