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It must be because I finally finished all the work I did do because of the stupid principal, because when I woke up this morning I did feel grumpy like usual, believe it or not I felt happy and it's a Monday.

I got dress and went downstairs into the kitchen. Where my mom stood in front of the stove making breakfast.

"Mines to go please." I said causing my mom to turn and look at me.

"Baby, are you feeling okay?" My mom asked.

"Never better, why?" I said and gave her a big smile show her my pearly whites.

"You never eat breakfast in the morning." My mom stated turning back towards the stove.

"I eat breakfast in the morning." I stated back.

"Cornflakes doesn't count." She said making me flinch because it was true.

A little while after that she packed my breakfast and then we were off. She drop me off at school, I gave her a kiss on her cheek that she wasn't expecting and then I got out the car and wave her off.

I was so happy that I skipped all the way to my locker smiling. People watch me like I was crazy but who cares what they think.

I got out the books that I need then I skipped off to the stuff room to deliver my missing work.

Aftet that I went to my real class and took a seat at the back. The bell then rang seconds after I took my seat. People then started to pure into the class.

A little while later the teacher came in and math class  started.

I love math.

Math class flew by like nothing. I learnt alot in such a short period of time it was fun algorithms is the shit.

I was now skipping to my next class, when a girl with light brown hair and dark brown eyes, she was wearing a white fitted blouse that marked boss on big black marking with a gray jaggers and a gray nick tennis stopped me.

I then look up at her because she was taller than me.

"Yes can I help you?" I asked smiling at her.

"My name is Daniel." She said nervously.

"And I'm...."

"Keke I know." She siad cutting me off.

"I was wondering..............if we could...." She stuttered.

"We could what?" I asked.

"Be friends." She said with a pleading look on her face. I don't know why she wants to be my friend I nothing special, wow let me back that up a little I am something special.

"Okay." I stated, grinning like a maniac.

"Yeyy!" She shouted jumping up and down like a rabbit. I the put my hands on her shoulder so that she would calm down.

"So what class do you have next?" She asked after settling down.

"The worst class of the day.......................English!" I told her and she burst into a fit of laughter.

"English.is.the.worst.class.of.the.day." she said between laughter.

"Yes all thoughs words and reading and writing, I don't like it!" I shout cause people to lookat us and Daniel to cover my mouth.

"I think we should go to class." She dragging me off to class. Turns out Daniel and I have most of or class together expect two, she doesn't take PE nor chemistry.

It was now lunch and Daniel and I are now standing in line wait for her turn to come so that she could by her food, I didn't eat the breakfast mom made this morning so I'll eat it now.

I got tired of waiting in line so I went and save a table for Daniel and I to eat at. Suddenly I heard a hard slam on the table.

"This is our table." A man looking girl said. I nust stared at her for a little while then smile and looked away.

"Bitch I'm talking to you!" Mangirl shouted drawing the attention of the entire cafeteria.

"I happy today so I'll be nice, you and your two friends don't need the entire table and I only need space for one person, so be nice and share please." I said calmly and smile at them.

"Oh hell no I ain't sharing shit." Mangirl shouts.

"Well you'll just have to fine another table then." I stated.

"Do you know who I am bitch?" She shouted in my face, making me hold my nose.

"Don't know, don't care." As I finished my sentence I was pulled out of my seat and out of the cafeteria, lucky thing I grabbed my lunch when Daniel grab me.

She drag me all the way to the roof before letting me go. She was breathing heavy.

"That was close." She said after catching her breath.

"What was close?" I asked.

"You almost died." She said dramatically.

"From what?"

"These three girls in the cafeteria are not to be played with, there worst than stacy." She explained.

"Who's Stacy again?" I asked confused.

"The girl that you beat into a pulp the other day for spreading that rumor about you." She said in a excited tone.

"Mmmmmm......Doesn't ring a bell." I  said scratching my head.

"Do you have Alzheimers?" She asked putting her left hand on my forehead like I have a fever.

"If someone is not important to me I don't remember them." I daid taking her hand off my forehead.

"Your so cool." She shouted at me.

"Right now I'm hungry not cool." I told her patting my stomach.

We then sat down and eat and talk. In that one lunch break I learnt everything about her.

·Her favourite color is hot pink.
·Her favourite food is pizza.(just like me)
·Her hobby is Netflix and chill.(just like me)
·She has two older siblings.
·She has to nephew and there twins.
·She doesn't like fake people.(just like me, feel friendship blooming ah!)
·She hasn't found her mate yet.(just like me..........oh wait I already found my mate, that sort of thing sometimes slip my mind.)
·Her birthday is January 14.(that three days away.)

"So yeah I having a sleepover and my other friends bald on me so would you come." She aked nervously.

"Sure, when is it?" I asked.

"It started tonight." She said.

"What do you mean starts?" I asked slightly shouting.

"Its a four days sleepover, you'll bath and go to school from my house." She explained.

"Okay, I'm in." I said excited. The bell them ring for us to go to class.

"Lean me your phone really quick." I said. She the handed me her phone and I put my number in her cantacts then hand it back to her.

"Text me you address." I told her as I walked away to my next class with was chemistry.

The rest of the day flew by and it was now time for me to go home.

Hope you Enjoyed😄😝

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2018 ⏰

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