Suprise suprise🤭😉

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Y/n pov:
I sat down on my couch watching my favorite tv series (y/fav show/n)I watched it as I ate some grapes.
My phone started buzzing on my coffee table and I looked at the caller I'd to see Erik trying to FaceTime me.
I answered it
"Sup babe"his raspy deep voice said into the phone as he wore gold glasses (just like the museum scene)
"Hey eribear❤️"I said as I made a kissy face and he laughed
"What you doing"he said smiling showing his grills
"Watching my favorite tv series and eating grapes"I said smirking
"Save some for me"he said smirking
"BOI bye"I said laughing
He chuckled "I got a suprise for you"he said grinning
"Ok what is it"I asked grinning
"Look outside"he said.
I hung up and ran outside onto my porch.
I saw a plane landing down but I didn't know who it was until I saw a figure come out of it and started walking towards me.
I smiled widely to recognize who it was.
He walked up to me on the porch with his arms opened wide.
"BABE!!!"I yelled jumping into his arms as he chuckled and wiped his arms around my waste.
I got off of him
"Baby I missed you"I said smiling.
I rubbed my arms feeling a little bit chilly as he smirked and took off his jean jacket and put it on my shoulders as I smiled until I saw bumps on his arms.
"Babe what are those"I asked him feeling his arms and lifting up his shirt to see more
"Don't worry about it"he said pulling down his shirt as he rolled his eyes.
"Well anyways who cares cause it makes you look more daddyish"I said flirting as he chuckled and looked around.
He pushed me up against the house walls as he pinned my arms down.
"I see my girl is being dirty already,I guess I gotta teach you some lessons later on"he spoke smirking
"Maybe"I said smiling
He smiled showing his grills up close as he picked me up over his shoulder and carried me into the house.
"Time for them manners to be teached"he said smacking my ass and lifting up my shirt biting my stomach lightly as I laughed.

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