In the city 2

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"Welcome to the friend"
Serena hands clenched around your collar tightly as she walked you to the car as Erik walked beside her with her gun pressed against the side of your head.
Erik opened up the van car doors as she through you inside hard as you fell flat onto your stomach on the van floor.
"*laughs*be gentle with her babe,we wanna keep her in good condition when klaw see her"Erik said while smirking as Serena hopped inside the drivers seat of the truck in front with Erik as they left you in the back by yourself.
I rolled over onto my back as I sat up looking at the door.
I was about to get up and make a run for it until I heard a gun glock back and held to the back of my head.
"Try running and see in return you being under the ground in the graveyard"he growled as I moved back slowly against the wall sitting patiently.
He turned back towards the window as Serena drove faster.
"How will I tell T'challa and the others?"
       "Will they ever let me go?"
         "How will I be able to get out here without them noticing me?"
             "Will I ever survive here?"
The next day
Nobody's POV:
Klaw forced you into joining them in criminals,if you disagreed on joining them he said he would've made it your last day and kill the king.
You didn't want the king to die and turn down wakanda so you decided to agree on the offer to join them and now the new missions begin.
Y/n POV:
Today we were doing a mission at a museum and you were the shooter.
I didn't really want to do it but it wasn't about what I want to do, it was about what I have to do.
"Hey kings slave, stop daydreaming and get to filling up them guns"klaw said as the others chuckled.
I grabbed the guns and bullets as I instantly started filling up the guns with bullets as Serena watched me.
"Why did I agree on going to the club with some of my friends last night,if it wasn't for me being the party type and going to the club being with that backstabbing b*tch Serena this would've never happened"I mumbled to myself
"What you gotta say about me slut?"Serena said as she paused me in my tracks
"Yea lemme heat to"Erik said as they both waited for a answer.
I looked at the both of them before looking back down at the guns.
"Nothing"I said lowly
"That's what I thought"Serena said as Erik pulled her into a kiss.
I looked up slightly to watch them slobber over each other's faces.
I felt like I wanted to throw up.
Erik looked at me as he continued slobbing over Serena face.
He smirked as he pulled Serena over his lap and she straddled him down.
I don't know if he was trying to make me jealous or something but it sure wasn't working.
I continued with the guns as I made sure all of them were full.
We made it to the museum as Serena hopped out of the car with Erik behind her.
Before Erik got out he took one glance at me before he winked at me and closed the doors shut.
"Did this nigga just..."I thought to myself.
You know what I ain't even gonna fan girl over it.
Me and klaw sat in the van waiting for it to be our cue to go out there.
"Pick up your gun and pass me mines,it's gonna be any minute now before it's time for us to go out there"klaw said as he looked at the security cameras.
I passed him his gun and I grabbed mines than I waited for our cue.
The security camera started beeping indicating our go.
We hopped out of the car as klaw brung our the stretch out bed and we ran inside of the place.
I started shooting the security cameras as klaw shot the security guards.
We made our way towards Erik as they discussed something.
I saw one guy standing there scared as he kept on looking at us.
I nodded my head towards him telling him to hurry up and go.
He continued looking around.
"Hey you"klaw said as the guy walked towards us
"You can go just don't tell anybody"klaw said as the guy nodded and started running down the hall.
Klaw shot him in his head as I flinched at the noise
"Why didn't you just shoot him right here?"asked Erik
"There would've been blood all over the stretch out bed"klaw said
"Go find any items that looks variable around here"Erik told me and klaw as we nodded and took off looking everywhere.
I really didn't want to do this but I had to do it cause they was watching.
I took the sword,some masks,different type of bombs from wakanda,etc.
Klaw and Erik got some other stuff as we hurried up and stuffed it in the bag and put Erik on the stretch out bed as we rolled him to the van and put him inside.
I hopped inside as Erik took off the air tank mask along with the straps and started slobbing over Serena face again,I looked at them in disgust as klaw closed the door.
Jeez are they gonna be kissing all the time.
(Skipping two scenes)
Erik's POV:
Today is the big day for all of us and I can't wait till we get this thing started with.
I'm planning on taking Y/N with me and leaving klaw,his bodyguard,and Serena behind but if we have to do this the hard way it's gonna be the hardway.
We drove to a unknown place that I was eager to find out what it was.
Whatever it was I was planning on escaping to go back to wakanda so I don't have to be with them no more.
We pulled up at a place that had helicopters in different spots.
This place seemed like a dessert to me but either way I'm still trying to figure out how I'm gonna get out these handcuffs if I'm gonna escape from them.
I watched as one of klaw a bodyguards got inside one of the helicopters.
I turned back towards my handcuffs trying to get out of them.
They were locked tight around my wrist and no way to get out of them.
I heard a gun shot burning straight forward.
I jumped as I saw the bodyguard was down.
Klaw grabbed Serena as he held her to a point where she was gun downed by klaw.
Erik held up his gun at the both of them.
Was he gonna kill them both.
I got cut out of my thoughts by Erik pulling the trigger letting a bullet fly straight threw Serena head and one going through klaw shoulder.
She fell to the ground deadly as I felt like I wanted to cry.
I ran towards her and held her in my arms.
Even tho she betrayed me,she only did it because she was hurt and didn't know what to do.
I cried as her stale body stayed numb in my arms.
I heard multiple gunshots coming from the distance as I flinched at each one.
Was both of them dead.
How am I going to escape now.
Erik came back looking evil as ever.
He held up his gun towards me as I closed my eyes shut scared for my life.
"Let's go now"he grumbled as I held up my hands in the surrender
"Please put down the gun,your scaring me right now"I said as I stood up and he held the gun closer
He put down his gun slowly as he grabbed my wrist tightly and threw me into the helicopter as he got on too.
I noticed he had a blue long bag in the back seats.
I just ignored it and started getting worried
"Where are we going"I asked him worried harshly
"To wakanda to pay the king a little visit"he said while grinning
My eyes grew wider as the helicopter took off.
At least I was going back to wakanda but how will T'challa feel about this and not letting him know this instant.
How y'all like it?

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