Meeting a Rouge

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Starting their new and more exciting mission after 4 months of silly D-Rank chores like babysitting, capturing pets that ran away, shopping, pulling weeds, cleaning rivers...Well, you get the picture!?. Team 7 was finally venturing out of the village to commence their first C-Rank mission. An escort mission of a civilian. The only individual dreading it miserably seem to be Mito, since the mission's destination happens to the Land of waves and she can't swim apparently. During a previous D-Rank mission, cleaning a river. Mito's footing slipped in the shallow river and the current brushed her down stream, struggling to resurface. Thanks to Sasuke's quick thinking with a rope, Naruto ran at one end of the river while Sasuke on the other. Tugging at each end of the rope Naruto and Sasuke caught Mito, but due to his hatred for said girl once he had a grip on the rope he released his grip on his end immediately. Allowing Sasuke to pull her to shore since it was his idea to save her in the first place. Naruto would have preferred gladly to see her fall over the waterfall edge, however it showed more teamwork and doubts about his intention. Preferring everyone to believe he was soft so they would  underestimate him, giving him a large advantage in any scenario. Either way Team 7 was prepared to depart Konoha with Tazuna the bridge builder, they are to escort and protect him until his work is complete. Tazuna seemed to love the sake bottle he carries around a little to much, something smelled fishy to Naruto since he met the bridge builder and he knows it's definitely not the sake. Team 7 consisted of Mito, Sasuke and Kakashi alongside Naruto. Since the mission is a C-rank it should only need one Jonin and the Genin. Yamato was given a A-Rank mission and Kushina stayed behind in Konoha.

"Hey, Mister Tazuna you said your home is the Land of Waves, right?" Tazuna nodded towards the person in question.
"Kakashi- Sensei aren't there ninja in the Land of Waves?" Another stupid question was asked from the real idiot of Team 7. Mito's skills were ideal and slightly above average for Genin but seems her intelligence was canceled out by her hot-head. Noise canceling was a newly acquired skill that the two young men of the group had to master, if they didn't they would have killed the young redhead a long time ago. Kakashi explained all the questions being asked, even about the five great nations and the hidden villages. Sunagakure, Kirigakure, Iwagakure, Kumogakure and Konohagakure the five great nations military defenses. Their short journey was halted by an assault by the demon brothers of Kirigakure. A breeze was felt beside Sasuke, knowing what the breeze meant Sasuke sprung into action. The demon brothers flung and wrapped their chains around Kakashi's body, with such immense force the chains ripped through Kakashi's flesh and tore him to pieces before everyone's eyes. Gasped of horrific proportions were filling the air. A single tear trickled through the air, the drop descended with a final drip on the ground.
"K-Kakashi- Sensei!" Mito screamed realizing she had to do something, but she couldn't. The demon brother charging at her, flashed into a image of Naruto. Her pupils dilated and face stained with stray tears, the image become distorted returning to reality. Metal claws made contact with Mito's palm as she tried shielding herself. However, the claw left a single graze after Sasuke rescued Mito from harm. Sasuke's smooth thinking and initiative binding the brothers to a tree, which resulted in them receiving a kick to the face thrust on by the famous Uchiha. Their immediate reflexes indicated they now set their eyes on their target, Naruto body flickered back to the scene. Protecting Tazuna from the demon brothers was less then even Child's play, to Naruto a newborn could probably do it. Swiftly exchanging a few punches the demon brothers were sent flying back, Kakashi held them both in a head lock capturing them during the short flight through the air. Restraining their attackers Kakashi spoke to Tazuna in private. Three Genin engaged in small talk. 

"Tazuna lied to the village. This mission is above a B rank mission" Naruto Stated while watching Kakashi and Tazuna's movements carefully.
"How exactly do you know that, Baka?" Courage engulfed Mito's being ready to bash the demonic boy even more, to her disdain his piercing gaze send a cold shover down her spine she shuddered frightened. 
"For once I agree with Mito. it is a good question?"Sasuke retorted annoyed to be agree with said girl.
"Neither of you saw the puddle on the ground then" Naruto sighed disappointed Sasuke didn't notice it at least. 
"The puddle was their way of being stealthy. However, It was a failed attempt since I saw the ambush coming that's why I observed instead of engaging in battle. Their target is Tazuna not us" Naruto looked at Mito's hand, a malicious idea strolled into his brain. Walking up in front of Mito he looked her in the eyes, she shook nervously.
"You have an injury. Let me see your hand" Naruto's expression voided of kindness and malice. a neutral look to it. Hesitantly placing her hand in his outstretched one, he examined her wound. Lightly tracing the wound with his finger causing Mito to wince slightly, reaching into his pouch for something. Looking down at the ground Mito only seem to think about Naruto's surprising actions. 'Could he actually have a heart? Is he a nice person behind all that hate?'  A tint of pink shadowed Mito's cheeks for a mere few seconds. 
"Naruto, What are-" Sasuke questioned suspiciously. This was clearly not natural behavior for Naruto. Suddenly Sasuke was even more shocked then Mito is. 
"Aahh!" Kakashi alarmed by the scream turned around to face his Genin students. Noticing Naruto plunged a kunai into Mito's palm. Mito screamed and held her wounded hand pulling out the kunai, discarding it to the ground as Kakashi approached her. 
"What's your problem, demon spawn. What was that for?" Anger spewed from her lips. Because it's in his nature Naruto could do nothing, but smirk at the angered banshee.
"These shinobi use poison in their claws, it had to be extracted from your blood" Putting it simply Naruto addressed the information to Kakashi, as their Sensei he knew where the direction of the conversation was going. 
"So, it gave you an opportunity to cause Mito pain" Kakashi retorted angered while binding Mito's wound with bandages.
"Bingo, Kakashi Sensei hits the bull's eye" Naruto smirked maliciously when he can admit his evil intentions. Walking over to Tazuna Sasuke followed in suit, Naruto stopped in his tracks to right down a note in a scroll. Kakashi's suspicion of the boy increases each time they have a mission, continuing to question the one question that haunts even the Hokage's mind. 'Is he just toying with them, Amusing himself with the anxiety of their emotions. Is he a real threat to Konoha and the Land of Fire?' 
"We will be continuing the mission regardless of the double-dealing knowledge we we're let on to believe now that that little bitch's hand won't be a problem for us, Isn't that right Kakashi Sensei" The identical wicked glint in his orbs presented itself to Kakashi. Not wanting to admit it, but Naruto had a valid point Mito's wound was now taken care of and they can now continue to finish this mission for their experience as shinobi's. 

Unceasing their journey to the land of waves Team 7 along with Tazuna arrived at the docked shores of the Land of Fire. realizing they had to now travel by boat Mito started to panic about the water. Mito and the sea are not entirely friends after all. quivering nervously as she boarded the small rowboat, followed by Kakashi and Sasuke. Observing the open ocean Naruto refrained from boarding the boat just yet, discerning a ominous feel to the water. 
"I'll be walking" Naruto then placed his foot on the oceans surface and took a few steps forward, until the boats began to a drift, hovering across the ocean surface. Getting closer to the Land of Waves was signified by the thick Mist that engulfed Team 7. Sadly for Sasuke and Kakashi Mito yelped and freak out even more then she already was. Naruto could hear the ferryman yell at Mito to quiet down. nearing the Land of Waves Naruto sensed the presence of their next opponent, while Tazuna explained why he lied to Konoha about the details of the mission. The name Gato was familiar to Naruto's ears as well as Kakashi's.
"Gato did trade with Lord Orochimaru in the past, I overheard it a couple years back" Naruto muttered almost inaudible, thinking to himself. Finally arriving a shore Kakashi helped Mito out of the boat and immediately he bowed down to the ground kissing it in fact.
"Oh, Sweet Sweet Earth! How I love you!" Mito continued her worship to the ground as everyone else dismounted the rowboat and Naruto step up onto the dock. 
"Alright, my home is this way. Follow me" Tazuna signaled the way as they followed behind him. strolling through a forest pass the team heard a rustling nearby, a kunai flew at the rustling sound stopping it. The kunais owner went to retrieve said kunai and found in its wake a snow rabbit. Knowing what it meant to see a snow rabbit around this time of year with white fur, Naruto showed the petrified rabbit to Kakashi acknowledging Naruto's intuition. Shortly after they began their walk again, a enormous sword flew across their heads as the all ducked down to the ground. some ate the dirt unwillingly, but anything was better then getting decapitated. A large built man apparates on the swords hilt, back facing the small crowd. 

"Zabuza Momochi?!" 
"Zabuza Momochi!" Naruto in unison with Kakashi exclaimed and announced the man before them. Curious on how a young brat knew of him, Zabuza looked at the scarecrow shinobi. 
"Heh, The Copy-Cat Ninja Kakashi Hatake of the Sharingan Eye. That brat seems to know who I am as well" Zabuza smirked excitedly knowing who he's opponent's will now be. 
"This will be interesting!"
"This will be interesting!" Naruto's reflected leer was identical to Zabuza's, throwing off Zabuza's guard off slightly.
"Fighting a Rogue Ninja of Kirigakure when it was once called 'The Blood Mist' will indeed excite me. Especially when your also know as 'Demon of the Mist' and one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist" Naruto's snicker persistently showed. 
"Your well informed, brat. I like your outlook kid, to bad I'll have to kill you along with your friends" Zabuza confidence was fleeting when Naruto released his chakra and killer intent. 
"These three aren't my friends go ahead and kill them if you like" Gesturing to Kakashi, Mito and Tazuna as he stepped forward then vanished before everyone's eyes. 

"Don't even think about moving" A low whisper was heard from a high tree branch overlooking Zabuza and the rest of Team 7. A masked shinobi had a Kunai closely pressed against their throat, by Naruto. Naruto decided to leave Zabuza to Kakashi mainly because he discovered the reason why Zabuza have this Masked kid hidden nearby. Exchanging some information with the masked Kiri shinobi while the battle between Kakashi and Zabuza began to unfold itself. Remaining hidden Naruto and the Masked shinobi observed the battle draw out until Kakashi was captured in a water prison technique by Zabuza. 
"You said Before they weren't your friends is that why you are just going to let them die?" The masked shinobi asked Naruto casually. 
"I said those three are not my friends. Sasuke on the other hand I'll protect if I have to, however he is not weak. His an Uchiha after all and the son of the Head of the Clan" Praising his friend and rival.
"I see, then we are both the same. We will do what we must to protect those close to us" The masked shinobi realized the boy wasn't completely heartless by his statement. 

How deep is Naruto's Hatred truly? If he is willing to protect his Uchiha friends. Could Naruto have found comfort in the Uchiha's, since the Uchiha's have been seen as a threat or even hateful people for almost a hundred years. Could that be the true reason Naruto found comfort with them or was it because of only the two Uchiha siblings he now knows; Itachi and Sasuke. Is it possible they ignited the small pilot light that is Naruto's heart into a docile flame?                                             

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