Optimus's Decision

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He said bluntly as his sword reverted back to his hand with his hand coming back to his side. Megatron made a look of absolute surprise at what his brother said. In his mind, he believed Optimus would've ended him right whenever he got the chance. Truth is, he never did. His brother never tried to kill him at all during their battles on Cybertron and on Earth. Megatron thought that after a while, Optimus would grow sick of dealing with him and would try to offline him as it would finally bring an end to their long fought war. But somewhere, deep inside as Megatron secretly knew, Optimus really cared about him. A part of him secretly felt the same way. Megatron, despite supposedly having a deep hatred for the leader of the Autobots, had a big soft spot for his brother as he was the only one who understood him. Not only that, but Optimus was the only family he had left. He had nothing else left in his existence other then to bring control to Earth and restore the planet to it's "former glory" after he defeated his brother and his army. After a while, an interesting dialogue between the two leaders soon commenced.

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