Boris x ink illness! Fox! Fem! Reader (Pt. 2)

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Requested by: foxfern

BTW!, This takes place before the 2 sets of bros 'join forces'!

(Y/N) = First name

(L/N) = Last name

(M/N) = Mom's name

(D/N) = Dad's name

(F/F) = Favorite food

~On to the story!~

{(Y/N)'s POV} 

          As I finished eating (F/F), my thoughts wondered towards that wolf character I had met.... 'I mean... He was kinda cute...' I blushed at my thoughts, 'what am I thinking? we just met, plus, he's most likely around 17, I mean he's tall enough for it...' I snapped out of my thought when I heard a large CRASH, BOOM sound coming from the store next door. 

          Finishing the final bite/drink/whatever-else-you-can-do,  I ran to see what it was, and there, breathing deeply was the man from earlier, a cup for a head, and hair swooping out of the top. "What's the matter mister? You seem to be searching for something", My kind sounding voice was heard through the silence that I hadn't noticed fall over the area. "Well, i'm looking for a demon and a wolf cartoon, goes by the names of Bendy and Boris." He said, looking towards me, "Hey-wait! You're that kid who was puking earlier!" He exclaimed looking at me again, I could see the look of recognition given to me, 'uh-oh...' I thought, "u-um, yeah, name's (Y/N), anyway, I haven't seen them around, but i'll tell you if I do mister!" I said, cheerfully, 'too cheerfully, man I gotta work on my acting skills, like, dude, he can see right through me!' I scolded myself, for once again, being a bone head. "Well, mister, I should make like a banana, and split" I said cheerfully, turning on my heel and walking away, hoping that i could get out of this without explaining myself, and I guess karma liked me today... 

=== Time skip, brought to you by Chicken artificially flavored Ramen ===

{3rd POV}

          (Y/N) walked towards the store near her house, it was 'Ramon and Jax's Ramen!', the place was almost always busy, with stuff for people any age or size! There was a bar on the fourth floor, with it's own special elevator to make sure accidents stay at a minimal, on the third floor, there is a small grocery store, taking things that were grown around here, and selling them for a small amount of money, on the second floor, there was a small ramen restaurant, of course, you can ask for almost anything, but it will take longer for it to be ready, and on the first floor, there was a small playground for kids, or rambunctious and childish adults. There was even a basement, which had a pool and a hot tub in it. (Y/N) clicked the button to go up a floor, and went to the counter.

          A small woman was standing there, behind the counter, just above (Y/N)'s height, maybe about two inches give or take, she looked like a short tailed cat almost, but one of her ears was nicked. She had her hair had a bed head look, with 'blue?' tips to it. It was rare to see a living creature with color, which just hints that she isn't real life. If you looked closely, on her showing skin, that was most of the time completely covered up with a large baggy hoodie that said POW POW BISHES! and black leggings, with gloves on her hands, going under the hoodie sleeves, and a necklace that says naughty on it, you could see lines on her skin, that would move when she moved a 'joint'. 

          "Heya (Y/N)!" The woman exclaimed happily, a look of surprise settling on her features, "Are you here for you supplies again?" The robot asked, a tint of sadness lacing her thick country accented voice. "I-I was seen, so i'm just gonna move to the next town over..." (Y/N) trailed off, knowing full well that this was how she had to do it, how she was going to live her life, or what was rest of it, 'I need to hurry, I can't risk running into the mister with a cup for his head...' "Well, (Y/N), I'ma miss your spunk, but remember, I will always be there, just holler for me, will ya' promise that?" The woman asked, handing the bag over the counter to the girl standing there. "Yes m'am! I will holler and ask for my good 'ol friend Jax!" (Y/N) told the woman, while turning to leave, only to bump into someone and fall down. 

          "Are you okay?" A soft, child-like voice asked, 'Oh no... I recognize that voice...' Looking up, the girl on the ground saw Boris standing above her. "Y-yeah! just getting ready to leave!" Came (Y/N)'s voice. Standing up, (Y/N) looks at the character, "I'm (Y/N) by the way! Sorry for running off so quickly earlier, but i'm kinda in a rush! bye!" (Y/N) gushed, dashing past the person and into the stairwell, taking the steps two at a time (Y/N) comes to the first floor quickly, and rushes to her house. Her empty, and lifeless, house. (Y/N)'s parents, (M/N) and (D/N) had died from the illness a while back, and it still broke (Y/N)'s heart to think about it. 

          Going into the house, (Y/N) quickly rushed to her room, grabbed her emergency bag, then left the house, leaving a note saying 'I've moved! This was a lovely town, but when an adventure is calling, i'm sure to be there! ~You're local adventurer, (Y/N)' (Y/N) walked into the woods Happy that she could leave this all behind her. 

{???'s pov} 

          The girl never once looked my way, how sad, I was growing quite fond of her.... 'Bye (Y/N), see you in the next down over..~'


Im sorry for not updating, i'm trying my best...

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