~Bendy or Cuphead X Assassin!Reader~

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(Y/N)'s hair flew through the wind, the stone path flying beneath their feet. Shouts rang out from behind them. The black ink on her hands was dripping onto the ground, a thick red substance mixing in. 

(Y/N) was a hit man for hire, and this was just another job. Her most recent target was a small demon guy, she thought he was quite cute, but orders were orders. 

~~~ a little bit earlier~~~

She attacked him, but in the middle of her battle, a small wolf kid ran up shouting "BENDY, WATCH OUT!" Startled, they faulted in their attack, giving the demon a chance to land a punch. (Y/N) used this as a chance to land a hit with their weapon, not landing  a good stab, but still drawing blood. The ink and blood that came from the wound shocked the assassin, she didn't know that his days were already numbered, or else they would have declined. 

A blue beam came from somewhere deeper in the alley way, barely grazing the shoulder of the assassin. The impacted area turned a black from being scorched, an agonizing cry left the attackers mouth. (Y/N), knowing they were outmatched turn to run, the shouts echoing after them alerted everyone outside the alley way. 

~~~ Present~~~

The puddles splashed as feet ran through them, the assassin was panicking, there was nowhere to rest. The small village soon gave way to a small plain, which had a forest at one end. (Y/N) bolted towards the tree line, the agony of their burnt shoulder more then they could handle. As soon as (Y/N) lost them in the forest, they decided that they needed to rest, so they scaled a tree.

~~~Time skip~~~

(Y/N) woke up to a dark sky, and quite voices below. The (Y/S) didn't know when she fell asleep, but was concerned about how long they had been that way, and if anyone had seen them. Looking around, they realized someone had made camp near their tree, and that they were just out of the camp fire light. Attempting to be as quite as possible (Y/N) slowly sat up to get ready to climb down and creep deeper into the woods, to make their escape. But unbeknownst to them, their branch was incredible weak, and when they moved, it snapped. The already injured being fell, a branch impaling through the far right of their left thigh. The campers turned to the noise, startled, (Y/N) attempted to be quite, hoping they would think it was just a forest noise and not investigate. Their luck had run out this time though, as a cup headed being walks towards the assassin with a blue light on the tip of his pointer finger. 

~~~ Cuphead's POV~~~

After hearing the noise, I decided to investigate, because Bendy isn't in the best of shape, and Boris is taking care of him. Walking in the direction of the noise, I find the assassin from earlier on the ground. They looked panicked, and there seemed to be a stick protruding from their leg.

"Give me one reason I shouldn't shoot you right now." I said, voice stiff, how long have they been here? Were they here to finish off Bendy?

"I-i, uh" The assassin stuttered

"Hey bro, what's wrong?" Mugman asked from behind me, I turned my head to acknowledge his presence. 

"The assassin is here, should I kill them?" I asked, thinking it might be the best course of action.

~~~Some discussion time later, 3rd person~~~

The assassin was brought back to the camp, thanks to Mugman wanting to question them. "Why did you attack Bendy?" Boris blurted as soon as everyone had settled.

The assassin smiled "My boss wants him gone." 

Too be continued

~-~-~-~-~-~-Author's Note~-~-~-~-~-~-~

Hey guys! I'm sorry for being gone for soooo long!!!! Thank you to anyone that still reads my stories! 

 Anyways, I have a question.. For the end of this one, you can vote for 4 options, Just comment on the one you want to vote for! <3 

Bendy Ending

Cuphead Ending

Poly Ending

Other Ending (Please state who you would like me to write about!)

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