Vampire Palooza

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"Jasmine," Daphne gently crooned, "time to get up, we've arrived at our destination." Jasmine lazily swatted at the red head's hand, muttering in her sleep. "Come on Jasmine, time to get up, we already let you sleep through the whole road trip." With a sigh, the blue haired female rolled over and opened her eyes, returning Daphne's eager smile with a tired one. Sitting up, she stretched her hands over her head and dismounted from the van, rubbing her eyes.

"So...where are we?" "Petit Chauve Sourie Ville, or Little Bat town, Velma brought us here for a vampire festival." Jasmine froze, white face going whiter. 

"Vampires?" Her voice was a fearful whisper, Daphne raised a playful brow. "You're not afraid of monsters are you?" The female's face went dark with thought. "Not exactly." Daphne noticed the sudden change and got ready to ask when the rest of the group popped up and they all headed out.


Some time later, after meeting up with Vincent Van Helsing, the group of teenage friends entered the vampire museum where they looked in awe over the many vampire artifacts, as Daphne moved away from the vampire bride jewelry, Jasmine walked up and pressed a slightly trembling palm against the glass. Somewhere at the back of her mind, something forgotten stirred. At Shaggy and Scooby's sudden scream, she whirled around and froze, scream halting in her throat.

Standing at the back of the room within a glass lid coffin, was a vampire, according to Van Helsing, that went by the name Valdronya. She hesitated before walking up the glass, pressing a palm against the six inch glass. For a brief five seconds, the rest of the world went away and all she saw was the monster's body. Silence fell around her and from it came a voice far off, faint, and singing.

"Jasmine?" She jumped at Velma's hand on her shoulder. "Come on, it's time to go to tonight's play." She arched a skeptical brow at her. "Are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." Jasmine's eyes darted back to the coffin. "I-I'm fine, just feeling a little tired." Velma's face relaxed as she looped Jasmine's arm in her own and walked out. But just as the doorway, Jasmine looked back and caught the quickest glimpse of the vampire's eyes glowing an eerie bright green, then she blinked and it was gone, leaving her wondering.                  

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