Chapter 2

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I can't believe it, we're going to Hogwarts today. I go out to the dragon shed to get Cristal, the only tame Peruvian Vipertooth.

"Heya boy, how are you?" (Y/n) asked sending her thoughts to Cristal.

"I'm doing wonderfully, thank you (n/n). How about yourself?" He replied sending his thoughts to her.

"I'm so exited. We get to travel to Hogwarts. We're leaving once I pack some food for you cause we'll be traveling for a fair few days. Sounds fun doesn't it?" She told him.

"Finally. I can get out of here, even if it is only for part of a year." Cristal sent his thoughts to (y/n) as she giggled at him.

"Well then. Let's get going," she shouted in his mind.

And with that they were on their way.

Five days later

Hogwarts had just started to come into view along with Drumstrang's ship. (Y/n) went and landed Cristal on the top of the ship where he would be staying.

(Y/n) quickly got off said bye and ran to here adoptive brother.

"Glad you could make it (y/n). How was the flying?" He asked knowing she didn't have her note book to write down her answers.

She hit the back of his head to show her disappointment in his question. When he turned around to voice his disapproval at her actions, she had already walked away to change out of her riding clothes.

(Y/n) had made it to the room she had claimed for the time they were there. She quickly changed into her performance outfit, which consisted of a black body suit, dark brown, thigh high, weadged boots and a red fur coat. There was a knock on the door as she was putting on her coat.

(Y/n) slowly opened the door to see that Karkaroff was standing there. She opened the door wider to allow for him to walk past her into the room.

"I wanted to tell you before someone else did, your twin sister is here. Her name is Hermione Granger. She also doesn't know that she has a twin." He said while sitting on  (y/n) bed.

Her brain was reeling with the possibilities of finding some  mood family. (Y/n) brain was quickly shut off when Karkaroff continued to speak.

"One more thing. You can't tell her."

*Draco p.o.v.*

Who is that girl and why is she on a dragon I thought to myself.

"Draco. You okay man." Blase asks.

"Yeah I'm fine, just thinking. Ya know?" I answer.

"About the dragon or the girl that rode it here." He says, giving me a knowing look.


I have a sister that I didn't know about. Why is my life messed up so darn much, I shout in my head. Why can't my life be normal.

I walk out and go stand with Victor to go into the great hall.

"Let me welcome the beautiful ladies of Buboxtens Academy and their headmistress." I hear Dumbledore shout through the door.

After they had chosen a table it was our turn to give Hogwarts a show.

The boys did this thing with their staffs that I never paied attention to. Victor and Karkaroff went in next.

Karkaroff greeted Dumbledore like an old friend and told him that he mixed Drumstrangs only sister, me.

"Okay, thank you for telling me. I'll introduce her now." He said quietly to my headmaster. "Alright, quiet down. There is one more that I need to introduce. She goes to Drumstrang and is their only sister. Here she comes now."

After hr finished my introduction, I camenin doing all sorts of tricks. I did a lot of flips, walked on the air and even made the tables go on fire.

I freaked some of the kids out with my fire trick but they soon realised that it wouldn't hurt the and they calmed down. When I got to the front of the room I put the fires out and went to sit with my brother and his friends at the green table.

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