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Shit, it didn't come out "tomorrow".

Please be warned that this story does mention sensitive issues such as suicide and cheating on others. Don't like, don't read.

You have been warned.


It was a regular Monday morning. The morning every child dreaded to awaken to. Living almost forty minutes away, Ryan had to wake up his children at about seven in the morning just so they wouldn't be late for school. Groggily, he made his way to his children's bedroom and opened the door, at first whispering, "Piper, Jess, get up." When neither children moved, he sighed and approached the bed with light footsteps.
"Piper, do you want to help you sister wake up?" he whispered to the young boy, who was closest, lightly shaking him. Piper grumbled and turned to face away from his father. Ryan frowned at first, but then smirked. "If you don't get up, I'll have to do that electric shock."
"I don't want to go to school," Piper softly muttered, his sister slurring, "Me, too."
Ryan clicked his tongue and crossed his arms. "You asked for it." He reached a hand out to Piper and ran a finger down his back. "Line, line..." He then went back to the top and drew a circle, followed by another line. "... Number nine-"
"Okay, okay, I'm getting up!" Piper pushed himself up to a sitting position and yawned, rubbing his eyes. "I'm in year six and it's embarrassing! I don't want to get electric shocked, dad!"
Ryan grinned and then glanced at his daughter, still laying in bed. "Maybe she does-"
"I'm waking... up..." The young girl rolled over to face the other two and yawned, stretching before pushing herself up. Her fringe fell over her left eye, but she didn't bother brushing it away. "What's the time, daddy?"
"Time to get ready for school, Jess," Ryan immediately answered, walking back to the door. "Now, hurry up and get dressed. I expect you to be in the dining room by seven-ten!" He heard the two children groan as he closed the door, and chuckled.

The time was around eight o'clock when they were finally ready to leave. Piper was already in the car, waiting for his father and sister to come in. He looked out of the window, watching Jess struggling to walk and brush her hair at the same time. He could hear Ryan speak, "Hurry up! You know how long the drive is and we're going to be late!"
Jess argued, "My hair is long and it's hard to brush! There's always knots! I think Piper secretly plays with it at night!" Hearing that, Piper giggled. It wasn't true, but he found it funny.
Eventually, Jess finished brushing her hair and got in the car, Ryan also getting in at the driver's seat. They all strapped on their seatbelts and the car finally moved, driving towards their primary school.
About halfway through the drive, Ryan asked, "Jess, why do you always cover you left eye with your hair? You've been doing that for almost the whole year. It's almost the end of school and not once have you decided to remove it. What's wrong?"
For a long minute, she remained silent, so Piper decided to answer for her. "She's self-conscious."
Self-conscious? Ryan glimpsed at the rear view mirror, at first to look at Jess, but then noticed the Omega symbol on his and Piper's left eye. He sighed and stayed silent, realising why she covers her left eye. "I'm sorry about the symbol, Jess. It runs in every Omega family."
Both children were quiet for the rest of the drive.

Finally arriving at school, three minutes early, they all exited the car and grabbed their backpacks, making their way to the school gates. As always, Ryan repeated the same words he would say before they passed the gates, "Be safe and have fun, okay? If someone hurts you, always tell the teacher, alright?"
"Yes, dad," the children droned, tired of hearing the same thing again. Ryan rolled his eyes and kissed their foreheads before waving them goodbye, watching them leave and enter the large school building. He smiled faintly.
"A wonderful pair of children you have there, Ryan."
The smile didn't last long.
"Of course, both of them aren't yours." The speaker pushed himself off the pole he leaned on and sauntered towards Ryan. "The girl shouldn't be alive."
"Nathan... Not now," Ryan muttered, turning to face him.
"But I need to tell you. Remind you that the girl isn't from you," the speaker, Nathan, stopped with a smirk of arrogance. "How's your wife hanging?"
Ryan clenched his fists. "You son of a bitch..."
Nathan raised his index finger. "Uh-uh-uh. No swearing on the school grounds, Omega. You'll get in trouble." He moved his hand back into the pockets of his jeans. "I never truly loved her. I did love her body, though." He moved closer to Ryan. "I'm surprised we've known each other for seven years yet you haven't killed me. I'm surprised that the little girl is now seven. Well, my little girl, that is." Ryan narrowed his eyes, glaring at him as he slowly came closer. Nathan continued his taunts. "You know how that little girl first came to life? One night, your trustful wife and I had a one night stand. I didn't decide to use any protection at all. We just did it without hesitation. Oh, and you know what she called me during that time? She called me the exact same thing your little girl calls you." By now, Nathan was directly in front of Ryan's face. He leaned forward to his ear and whispered almost inaudibly, "She called me, 'Daddy'."
Ryan was seething with rage. "Please leave. I'd rather not kill in front of a full school."
Nathan chuckled and moved away. "How frightening. As you wish." He turned to leave, but said, "Keep a close eye on your little girl. She really needs a good daddy."
Finally, Nathan walked away, as if he was taking a nice, morning stroll in the park. Ryan despised him with all his heart. Normally, he was a forgiving, kind person, but even he couldn't find any tolerance for somebody like Nathan. Ryan watched him leave for a few seconds before he entered his car to drive back to his house.
Through a small window in one of the school's buildings, Piper watched the whole scene.


Nathan, Piper and Jess are all made up characters. Ryan is the only character that does not belong to me.

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