Nikki's Little Brother (OCD) Part 1

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Warning. This is going to be gay just cause I want it too. It is Alex x Neil cause I think they would be the most logical couple together.

Alex's POV

I sighed while standing by the red stop sign at the end of my street. My mum was in the house, she sent me outside with my bags. I am about to go to the camp my older sister went to. I guess my mum was done with the house being cleaner then her bedroom. Which by the way looks like a hurricane went through it.

A ugly old looking bus came to a stop in front of me, the doors opening with a loud and ugly shriek. I am not going in that thing! An old man with a gray beard and a..hook for a hand told me to get in, I was scared so I solwy and cautiously walked into the bus. ITS DISGUSTING! SO UNCLEAN AND DIRTY! I took out a clean towel from my bag and placed it on the seat, making sure it was straight and perfect.

I put my headphones in and listened to some music while making sure I don't touch anything on the bus. After about an hour the bus came to a shrieking stop, hearing a girl scream outside. I grab my bags and walk out. I look around. "This is so dirty!" I exclaim. I see Nikki run straight to me, before I can do anything she hugs me, making dirt smear on my clean white shirt.

"NIKKI!" I scream. She stops hugging me and smiles. I sigh. "I can't be mad at you sis." I say softly. I see a guy with big puffy hair and a yellow sweater exclaim, "Sis?!" Nikki smiles wider. "This is my little brother Alex. He isn't as fun as me. He hates dirt and has OCD." She explained. I was digging through my bag, I pulled out another white button up shirt. I took my shirt off and switched into my other shirt.

"Mum said that I had to come because she was sick of my cleaning 24/7." I informed her.


I have gotten all my stuff put away and have meet everyone, so far Neil is my favorite. He is pretty cute too, with his puffy hair and adorable stutter! I am bisexual, not that anyone knows. Why would I come out? That would end in disaster, especially with my mum.

Neil walked into the tent, he had a slightly red face and seemed nervous, he is always nervous whine talking to me though. "L-lunch time." He stuttered out. I smiled at him, "Okay!" I stand up, stretch and start my walk to the Mess Hall.

I get my lunch and sit down next to Neil. "This is not food." I say, pushing the tray away softly. Nikki happily took it and ate it. I gagged. "This is so gross. I mean the food sucks, none of the camps are REAL, and it is very dirty here." I say. Neil and Max looked at me, Nikki didn't care. Max smirked, "Wanna help us escape? You can come with us." He offered. I thought about it, "Does it involve me getting..dirty?" I said disgusted. Max shook his head. Neil was fidgeting with his sleeves. I looked at him, worried, before continuing to talk to Max and Nikki.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2018 ⏰

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