Chapter Seven - Richard

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Richard let Stanley pay for their drinks and the cheese sticks with a handful of change he fished out of his pocket. It seemed only fair, somehow.

They stepped out into the night and he glanced back toward Everest. Six radio towers blinked in the distance. He was thankful for the darkness that hid his warm face. "Now what?" he asked.

"Now we walk to that gas station over there and find a ride."

The gas station shone in the night like a castle in a dystopian fantasy. Lights blared down on the tarmac, chasing away every hint of a shadow under their glare. Even at this hour, a steady stream of cars and trucks moved in and out of the glow.

They waited for a lull in the traffic and set out across the wide highway.

"My hips are gonna be frozen stiff in the morning. My ankles are gonna swell up like a pregnant woman's," Richard complained.

Stanley clapped him on the back. "Take heart, old boy. Perhaps you'll surprise yourself with how fit you are and, even if it hurts, there is joy in the pain. When the pain stops, your life is over."

"Weirdo," Richard mumbled.

They didn't go to the islands where cars were fueling up or toward the front doors of the store. Rather, they skirted the building and approached the truck parking.

A broad-shouldered man with shoulder length curls spilling out from under his baseball cap was squatting down, checking his tire.

"Excuse me," Stanley said.

The man turned and Richard's eyes widened. Not a man, but a woman with her shirt unbuttoned far enough to show her impressive cleavage. He focused his gaze on the side of the truck so as not to be tempted to stare.

"Do for ya?" the woman said in a voice that had been sanded down by tobacco and tar.

Stanley was as courtly as ever. "Forgive the intrusion. It must seem silly to a young woman such as yourself, but my friend and I are on an adventure. We were wondering if you could give us a ride? We need to get to the storage units on M-50, just outside Adrian."

Her expression softened. Richard marveled. Was it the accent that made women love him?

"This a bucket list sorta thing?" she asked.

"Something like that," Stanley agreed.

"I respect that. Yeah. I can haul ya to Berry's. 'Taint more 'an twenty miles from here and right on my way."

"Your kindness only enhances your beauty. I can't tell you how grateful we are."

The woman actually blushed!

Richard rolled his eyes.

"Go on in the cab, then. I'll be finished up in a jiff."

"Thank you," Stanley said. His elbow bumped into Richard's side a little harder than necessary.

"What? Oh! Right." He made a face at the enormous woman. He hoped it would pass for a smile. "Yeah. Thanks. 'Preciate it."

She eyed Richard for a moment, flashed a smile at Stanley, and went around the back of the truck to do some further maintenance there.

Richard gazed up at the door. It seemed a mile high.

"Don't worry. I'll give you a boost."

"I ain't worried!" Richard declared. "And I don't need no boost from you, neither."

"You looked concerned. I just thought I would offer to help."

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