Chapter 9: Family

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Hey guys! I know its been awhile since I have touched this story. Unfortunately, this will be the last chapter before the Epilouge. This has been a long journey for this story. I loved creating this, and throughout the chapters you can read how much I have progressed in my writing. I no longer have inspiration for this story. I love you guys so much! Y'all have helped to make my dreams as a writer possible.

Hope you guys like it


Chapter 9

On the way home, Nik had one hand on the wheel, and the other caressing my stomach. I was so happy that he was excited for the baby, as I had no idea of what his reaction would be. 

"What are you thinking about, love?" asked Nik. I looked over at him. 

"Just about you and the baby" I replied, placing my hands over his right hand that was on my belly. 

Nik smirked at me, "Dani, I know HOW the baby was made," he paused, letting me giggle. "But, how? We are vampires" he asked. 

I smiled, "You can procreate as you are part werewolf, but I had the witch ansestors help me a little". 


My smile dropped, "I didn't know if it would work. I just wanted to give you all something to help us become a true family. I thought that a baby would help". 

He looked at me. "Well, I am happy that it did work, because now I have my Queen and an heir. We created something that will be amazing, love".


As soon as we entered the house, Bekah rushed to my side. 

"So!" she screamed, "What are you having?"

Nik and I looked at each other and smiled. 

"A little boy"

Everyone started cheering. I was happy to see that everyone was finally getting along. 

Stefan and Damon were talking to Elijah, Kol, and Finn about the upcoming baby. Rebekah, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie were squealing excitedly about how much they would spoil the baby rotten.

Just last week both groups were fighting. I guess Bekah was right, I did bring the families together. 

Nik pulled me onto his lap. " Gotta be careful with this one now boys" he said amused. The guys laughed, but I knew the truth. This baby will have all of them whipped. I cannot wait for that day!


FYI: If you didn't read the note before the chapter, go and do it now please. 

Love y'all!!! 



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