chapter 20

473 12 12

{Secrets never seem to end}

(Y/n)  is your name


You were now training for almost 2 hours,  and was tired and decided to finish up

Until the doors were opened and  someone came running in

Confused you looked up from your bag to find Sarah panting standing in front of you

"Sarah? Hey what's up" You smiled and walked to her

"(Y/n)... News.... Gone.... Gang" She couldn't talk clearly because she was panting

"Woah woah hold up, relax before speaking" You replied and gave her for water bottle

"Thanks" She said before drinking the whole bottle while you just looked amazed

She fell to the ground after finishing and layed down "oh my god" She breathed out

You sat beside her on the ground worried if everything was okay

"(Y/n).... There's bad news.. " She sighed out after relaxing a bit and her heart started beating normally again

"W.. What's wrong? Sarah you're scaring the shit out of me" You spoke looking at her worried

She sat up "read this article" She handed you a phone

You started reading your eyes growing wide with every word that passed

Sarah watched you and started biting her fingers clearly stressed  and waited for you to finish

"I.. Is it true? " She spoke after you looked up from the phone to her

"H.. How?" You asked shaking

"So it is.... " She sighed

"Well yeah if your real dad worked for that gang and ran away and your mother died giving birth to you and you figured out your family was all a lie it wasn't your real one and you had a chance to meet your real father wouldn't you do it?" You breathed out clearly mad

"Oh my god... I never knew all this happened.... Damn"

"Well yeah damn... And now everyone knows about it... Except the fact that they twisted the story so I would come out as an evil bitch that helped a gang" You gave her back her phone and got up spacing around the room

"(Y/n)... Is it really what happened? Your family isn't the real one? And your dad works for a gang" She asked

You nodded "yeah... But just don't tell anyone it'll make things more complicated and twisted....i need to tell the boys"

"I'll go with you... Since you can't just walk home after this article has been seen almost by millions"

"Great" You threw your hands in the air sarcastically "let's just go as fast as we can"

She nodded and you two ran out to the car and to the house


You ran in after unlocking the door followed by sarah,  who closed it and watched you running to the living room where the boys were all at

"Guys!" You yelled,  everyone practically jumped out of their skin and looked back at you holding their hearts

They were all watching a movie

"Jesus Christ you scared us" Jimin spoke glaring

"Not the point.... Jesus check your phones" You ordered

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