Phan (Moirail)

13 1 0

It's time...     By Aspen

Quick thing... ***** means timeskip. And // means its me making a comment.

Dan's POV

I was sitting on my bed editing some videos while Phil was nowhere to be found. I finished editing the videos and laid down. Knowing full well Phil wouldn't be home anytime soon I decided to take a nap. 


I woke up to the front door being closed and some stuff being moved around and a yelp that could only be heard as Phil tripping. Rolling over in bed I looked to see that it was almost 6:30pm. I quickly got up while rubbing my eyes and running my hand through my hair. I walked out of the room to see Phil in the living room with a large box mumbling to himself. He looked up noticing me, eyes wide and lips pursed he quickly put the box behind him.

"Hey Phil. Where you been?" I gave a look that could only be considered a death threat for leaving me alone here all day.

"U-uhhhh... I was hanging out with Tyler..." He slowly stood up trying to slide the box on the floor inconspicuously.

"Whatya got there?" I walked over only for him to quickly cover it with a blanket off the couch.

"N-nothing..." He picked it up walking to his room and was about to close the door when he suddenly stopped. "Dinners on the table by the way, pizza. Picked it up on my way home." At the mention of pizza I quickly ran in and began eating half of the large pizza.


I was gonna make a video but I left my laptop in Phil's room so I went to his room and didn't bother knocking. When I walked in however,  six sets of eyes were looking at me.

"Phillip, what is this!" I widened my eyes looking into the room.

Phil turned crimson slightly from embarrassment and rubbed the back of his neck. "So I may have accidentally sort of... adopted five cats."

I sighed loudly before walking over to the bed and sitting them down than slightly smiling at the little kittens playing around the room. "Have you named them...?"

Phil grinned, "No. I was hoping you'd help me name them..."

Phil's POV

Dan smiled before picking them up one by one and setting them on the bed in a line. "Well then Ill help..." Going from the left side of the line to the right he named then. Two were boys and three were girls.

{()=Gender []=Color ||=Last Name //I took this too far//};
Kitten 1 (F) [Blue //Look up blue kitten on google images...//]: Octavia |Howell|
Kitten 2 (M) [Unusual Red Pattern]: Will (William) |Lester|
Kitten 3 (F) [Black]: Raven |Lester|
Kitten 4 (M) [Silver //Again... Look it up...//]: Jasper |Howell|
Kitten 5 (F) [White]: Lexa |Howell|

//Yes they claimed kittens and Yes Dan has more only because Phil I feel would be too clumsy to have 3 kittens. I am not meaning this in a bad way. They are all both of their children.//

I smiled at the names. "Perfect." I picked up Will. "I love Will's color. Its just so... unusual."

Dan grinned. "Yep." He then picked up Octavia, Jasper, and Lexa. He put the three in his hoodie pocket (it was made for cats and looked like it was an XXL... don't know why he had it already...) //Its a Kittyroo... Look it up if you've never heard of it... Ill link a video at the top that talks about it...//.

I just watched Dan walk out of the room with wide eyes before picking up Will and Raven and following him to the living room. "We need to go get them stuff like food, cat box, bed, cat tree, etc." I sighed knowing that these were now our children.

Third Person POV

Dan handed Phil a hoodie just like his and most likely the same size. "Here. We can take them with..."

They both then grabbed their phones - Phil grabbing the car keys as well - and left for the pet store.


Dan's POV

When we got to the store I immediately headed over to the cat aisle dragging Phillip by the wrist as I pushed a cart (He wanted to go to the hamster aisle). Walking over to the cat food I grabbed some food for kittens and some canned food. I also grabbed ten customizable dishes. Two navy blue, two red, two black, two silver, and two white (each gets one for food and one for water). I then walked over to the toy/collar part of the aisle and got five cat collars the same colors as the bowls.

Phil decided to grab some toys while I went to make the name tags to put on the collars and customize the dishes.

ID Tag Colors {All Small Circles};
Octavia Howell ~ Gold
Will Lester ~ Silver
Raven Lester ~ Silver
Jasper Howell ~ Gold
Lexa Howell ~ Gold

ID Tag Info;

Front ~ Octavia Howell
Back ~ Address + Dan's Number
Front ~ Will Lester
Back ~ Address + Phil's Number
Front ~ Raven Lester
Back ~ Address + Phil's Number
Front ~ Jasper Howell
Back ~ Address + Dan's Number
Front ~ Lexa Howell
Back ~ Address + Dan's Number

When I got back to the cart Phil had put about 15 toys in the cart. We then headed towards the cat trees/condos/houses and fought on which one to choose so we got three. One for each of our rooms and one for the living room. We were able to agree on the one for the living room and each got to choose the ones we wanted in our rooms without the other interfering. Phil chose , I chose , and we agreed on and for the living room. We also got a few for around the house in general ( + + (Like on every door) + + ).

//Imma be done for now I will continue this later on though//

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