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I shove my books into my locker and slam it shut.

I can't believe he wants us all to have this project done by Monday. This is bullshit.

I spin around just as Liam shouts


I scream and back up, slamming into my locker. Liam laughs softly and then pats my shoulder.

"Sorry Av."

I sigh and smile. "It's alright."

He takes his hand off of my shoulder.

"So it's lunch now, ay?" He asks.

"Yep. Favorite time of the day; just so I can relax and stuff." I answer him.

"Oh cool."


We continue on walking until we reach a new table, two seats. It was an outside too. I told all my friends to avoid messing with me today.

"Do you miss your old school?" I ask him as we take our seats.

"Not really. Just glad I moved." He answers.

"Oh. Are you liking it so far?"

"Yeah. It's alright. Lots of people keep complimenting me and stuff and they all try to talk to me but I only want one friend. Y'know?" He says, staring into the distance. "I like all the attention, it's flattering and all but it gets extremely annoying and I don't want to be popular anymore. I just want to start over again. A new me." He got quieter each word, as it seemed.

Silence grew over us. His words started to sink into my head.

"I get you. Been there before. I understand." I sigh.

He leans over to my ear and whispers something that sunk in really deep,

"Even if I mattered to everyone around me, I didn't matter to the world."

Silence grew again. A couple some minutes later, my friend Ally comes through the doors.

"Who's this hmmmm?" She smirks at me.

"My new best friend. Please, another time Ally.." I sigh, turning slowly toward her.

"Alright fineeeee. I'll ask again after school." She narrows her eyes and then turns sharply, her blonde hair turning with her. After so, she re-enters the building.

"Sorry Liam. She's a bit of a pest." I say, turning back to face him.

"You're popular, I see." He sighs.

"Not exactly. Just have a lot of friends and I'm fine with everyone. Don't really want to have all if it. I hate the attention." I take my eyes off of him to find another thing to look at.

"Oh. Sorry for the accusation."

And for the third time, we sit there awkwardly. Our words lost in our heads.

"You have any social?" He asks me.

"Of course lmao. What do you think I do during my free time?" I laugh softly.

He chuckles and then pulls out his phone and hands it to me. First I go on Instagram, follow myself, friend myself on Snapchat and add my number. I slide his phone back.

"Thanks Av." He smiles at me.

"You know what?"

"Hm?" He asks, off guard.

"I think we're going to be good friends." I smile at him.

"And I agree with that." He flashes a smile back.

And for the first time in forever
I've finally found a boy who will treat me like a human.


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