Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

“WHAT?” Kaylen yells, and loudly at that.

“Please yell louder next time. Now calm down, and follow le Dr.” Case says as he starts heading towards the door he came out of. We walk into the kitchen and there are tons of fruits of all sorts and sizes all over the counters. This guy really wanted an exotic smoothie. I didn’t know half the fruits that were out but Dr. Case picked up a red one with spikes on it and bit into it and smiled. “You know, I haven’t a clue what I’m eating.”

“Dr. Case, would you care to enlighten us on the situation you’ve set before us? I’m fine with you screwing with our heads, I really am, but I hate to see Kaylen and Sage under duress.” I direct towards him

“Oh, you are fabulous.” He replies.

“For the love of God, man, just tell us what you know and help us. I’m tired of being in the dark, please stop stalling.” Sage says.

“That’s wonderful to hear, it really is, and I’d love to tell you more, but the thing is I don’t know your stories and I’d love to see what’s happened since we set you off into the world.” He replies while looking directly at me. “I really want to hear yours, as you’ve been on your own for quite some time, am I right, Nathan?”

I stare at him. “Yes sir. Why does it make a difference? Kaylen was on her own.”

“Yes, but Kaylen had time to asses her surroundings and lifestyle before Sage was able to teleport. You did it at a much younger age without the guidance of your partner and lived on your own for almost a decade, which is no small task in the slightest. I’d like to hear of your travels and your impressions.”

“How’d you know Kaylen was on her own?” Sage interjects.

“Because I can read body language. She stands close to you because you were her guardian once, but you’ve been gone for so long that you’re also a stranger, so she stands unopened to you, with her arms crossed. And you want to welcome her back into your life which explains why you allow her to be close, arms down at your sides, you keep watching her, and you’re being defensive. I make it a hobby of mine to observe people. And for Nathan, well his story is more complicated which I will get into later, but I’m sure my associate Shirley couldn’t keep his mouth shut and told you I was watching you in a sort of ways, keeping tabs on your location throughout the years, slowly guiding you back to the start.”

I turn around. “Shirley?” I say, looking at Psychic. He looks like he’s about to lay me out. I scoot away from him. “Alright, why’d you need to watch me?”

“Because you were alone, a reason I will inform you of soon, and you managed to teleport at the age of twelve, while Sage was only capable at the age of eighteen, and Gwendylen and Jack were only succeeded at sixteen. Kaylen just managed at twenty, which explains why she was in much more pain than you two, who had already experienced it. It doesn’t get better and it will leave you extremely tired if you choose to do it often. Well, you all had practice when you were younger, but that was when it was directed. Managing on your own in one of the few boxes I had hidden across the city was a magnificent feat.”

“Wait,” Kaylen says, “I-we can teleport? What does that have to do with our sketches?”

“Well, they’re actually called impressions according to Dr. Etch, but it’s fascinating that you came up with a name so similar to his. And I’m getting there, give me a chance. I still want to hear about Nathan’s journey.” Dr. Case answers sharply.

“Fine, if I tell you, will you explain the whole science stuff we want to know?”

“I’ll tell you to my extent on the knowledge.”

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