2: Recognition

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As a young child I got praised for everything I did no matter how big or small that step was, I'd get praised.

This praise gradually fades away until it is almost non-existent and you metaphorically have to climb a mountain to get a pat on the back.

You see when I entered the big wide world of secondary school. I was average even though I tried my little 11 year old heart out I was still average.

I'd stay up Day and night creating posters in hope that they'd go on the wall in my science room but all I got back was 'effort-2, nice drawing.'

Was my best not enough? What did you want me to do? Did you want me to stay up all night for a week just to make it effort one? Did you want me to turn out like this? Did you care about how much time and effort that actually took me?

I suppose I wanted recognition for being average and maybe those words shouldn't go in a sentence together but it's what I wanted.

I never got this recognition that I longed for in 3 years so by my forth year I had given up. I may as well be labelled stupid because that's what teachers think I am.

And then when the teacher asks are you okay you're grades have been falling. You nod your head. There was the recognition. Teachers paid attention when I had given up being average and maybe now if I could get back to the same level just maybe I could be clever.

But that day never came.

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