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"Hey...hey...please wake up...hey" A voice registered in my mind, as well as the feeling of someone shaking my body.

I opened my eyes slowly, attempting to blink away the blurriness. In front of me stood a short girl with dark brown hair that was messily falling into her face.She was shaking, and her eyes told me she was scared. I raised my hand to my head, trying to ease the pounding as the girl looked relieved and took an amazingly small step back from me.

"What....." I questioned looking around. The space was small, and wires that glowed a dull green lined the walls. It was dark, and the room was made out of some sort of metal, but nothing that I've ever seen. It was shaped like a oval, but had a sharp corner along the far left side. The corner was illuminated in the light green as it seems all the wires converged there. As I continued to take in my surrounding my eyes landed on the two other people that were slumped against the wall across the room.

The girl in front of me noticed me staring. "I tried to wake them up already, they don't seem to be budging. Oh god what if they're dead" She mumbled the last part more to herself then to me, looking at her feet.

"Who are you? Where are we?" I asked as I slowly stood up, leaning against the wall. The pounding in my head getting worse causing me to grab the wall to brace myself. The green wires on the wall were warm and slimy.

"I'm Tessa, and I have no idea where we are." She replied, once again pushing her hair behind her ear nervously.

Moving my hand up away from the wires I nodded and repositioned myself against the wall, "I'm Carter".

We looked over at the two people across the room. I sent Tessa a look before slowly walking over to them. Tessa followed close behind as I kneel down beside the first one. It was a guy, light brown hair and he was wearing a brown leather jacket with a white shirt underneath, as well as jeans and dirty black and white tennis shoes.

I placed my hand on his arm "hey...can you wake up for me?" I asked. The boy in front of me let out a groan, and I sent Tessa a hopeful smile and shook his arm lightly again. "That's it open your eyes..." continuing with the soft words, he eventually opened his eyes.

They were brown as they looked into mine, confusion evident on his entire face. Tessa had not made a move from behind me, obviously very freaked out.

"To answer the questions I know are already swirling around your brain, I'm Carter, no I have no idea where we are, and for now at least it seems that we are safe" I stated and held my hand out to help him to his feet. He took it and I pulled him up until he was standing beside me. He was only slightly taller then me, maybe by an inch.

"My head is pounding" He sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"mine too" I replied and Tessa chimed in behind us that she also has a headache.

"I'm Ryan" The guy said, as he followed me over to the other guy, Tessa right on my heals. "Hey, wake up man" I said and shook him lightly. Getting no response I tried again, Shaking him a little harder and talking a little louder. When he didn't stir I reached my hand forward and touched his wrist, checking for a pulse. Finding it and fully convinced he was just knocked out and not dead, I stood back up.

"Is he ok?" Tessa questioned behind me, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"I think so" I shrugged at a loss.

"What the hell" Ryan's sounded from somewhere across the room, "You guys have to come see this". He stated, not taking his eyes from whatever he was looking at. I took one last look at the guy still unconscious on the floor, black hair blocking one of his eyes, before making my way over to Ryan. Whatever metal this is makes no sound as you walk on it.

Ryan was standing near a large mess of the slimy green wires, but still hadn't looked back at us. Tessa was right on my heels as I stepped over some of the glowing green wires. Standing next to him and looked out the small round window.

It was dark, and small orbs of light were shining all over. A group of small rocks made their way past the window. Off to the distance colors of pink and blue could be seen swirled around a bright white light.

"Is this..." Tessa started...

"Space" I finished for her. I looked at the two people standing next to me and then back out into the dark vastness of space. I can not believe that guy wasn't nuts. Tessa startled mumbling something, and then started to get louder as she shook.

"Oh my god, we're in space. We were kidnapped and brought to space. We are going to die. Oh my god I'm going to die. I'm never going to see my parents again. I'm never going to see Micheal again. Ah forget about Micheal, I'll never see Bailey again." Tessa rambled to herself, visibly shaking and beginning to pull at her hair.

"Hey Tessa. Get a hold of yourself." I snapped, pointing at her. Her dark brown eyes looked up and met mine. "Alright, we are going to get through this, we're going to get back to Earth, and you're going to get to see your parents again. Now we are being brought to who knows where, and we need to be ready and alert. So can you focus for me?" I delivered the message keeping eye contact the entire time. Tessa slowly started to nod, "alright good now take a deep breath with me" I said and took in a deep breath and held it for a moment before letting it out slowly. Tessa did the same and I took another, and she followed my lead. Once she was calming down I turned away from her and looked at Ryan.

"You really think we're going to get out of this?" He leaned over and whispered to me.

"I hope so" I whispered back, looking between Tessa who was still trying to calm down and the unconscious guy on the floor to the dark of space out the window. Taking a deep breath myself and closing my eyes I stood for a moment. How are we going to get out of this?

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