By Accident on purpose

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I couldn't move. My mouth was dry. My vision was blurry. I couldn't hear anymore. My Mum was, what it looked to be like, screaming. I couldn't do anything to help her. It was scary...


I was born deaf. The hospital figured it out just after my birth. My Mum was distraught. She wanted me to live the world, be like everyone else. A normal girl. But I wasn't. I was never going to be.

My father loved the idea of having a 'special needs' kid. Everyone would give him sympathy if he messed up.

'My daughter, she's not well, we think we might have to go into hospital with her soon.' Everyone would forgive him for his stupid mistakes.

What he didn't know was that I would... change.

When I was four, I started primary school. I went to a special school for children who had difficulties. My school was called The Russet School and the people there were so nice. They had brail on the doors and canes, they had wheelchairs, toilets for both genders with special bars that you could hold onto so you didn't fall into the loo. When I first started school, I wasn't very bright. My Mum taught me the alphabet with special hand gestures a.k.a sign language. That was how I communicated back then. I never really spoke. I was always happy at school though, everyone understood me.

All of the teachers knew how to speak my language and so did most of the kids. I learned how to speak brail and I found it much easier than sign language. I made lots of friends that were blind and we communicated through brail.

We made up a special language that we used frequently where nobody could decode our messages but us. It was dead complicated. Me and my best friend came up with it. She was called Sophie. Sophie and I were as thick as thieves. That was until Sophie died. To be honest, I didn't really understand what happened. All my parents told me was that she'd died in a terrible accident.

Throughout school I got better and better and eventually I was the brightest pupil at the school.

At the age of 11 I got level fives in my SAT's and went off to a special high school. I wasn't exactly 'popular' There was only a few deaf people and all they did was read.

I tried to get involved with everyone but they were having none of it. Okay the rest of the school were blind but they could speak to each other. I was jealous. That was, until, it happened.

My 'friend' and I were in science and we were doing an experiment that involved a Bunsen burner and evaporating water from ink. She held the Bunsen below the boiling tube. Then it exploded. I felt like I could hear myself scream when the ink touched my skin.

"It was an accident!!!" She signed and spoke.

   "Its okay."

   "On purpose" she sniggered to another girl.

I cried when I walked home. I could hear! When I got home my mum started signing to me and speaking like she always did. She saw my bloodshot eyes.

"Baby what's wrong?" She embraced me.

   " I...I...I"

Since then I've been able to hear everything.


My name is Robyn 'hood' McKay.

I am 16 years old. I have brown eyes as dark as the Hudson river. I am tall, 5ft8in to be exact. I'm blonde, and I have no problems at all.


A/N Heyaa, Second story on WattPad, Accident on Purpose tells of a teenage girl who has been deaf and struggles to survive the world without it.

Please vote and comment! My last story was terrible and I've improved since then. I really hope this story moves you and you enjoy it thoroughly!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2014 ⏰

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