Chapter 152-Cursed Blessing

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Argh so drained :( no time to write.

Thwaaaap Thwap Thwap Thwap

Lineir's apprehensive eyes looked up as he looked upon scores of the hideous things. They would be giants if they were men and perhaps they had been once for they appeared like giant angels of the ancient times. Their lustrous wings spanned the skies and could make eagles jealous. However, these were not the perfect angels of Heaven's imagination. These were horrifying monstrosities. With the exception of their wings they were foul and ugly in all respects. Their arms were stunted and rotten, wasted away. Their legs ugly and decayed, as if they had never taken a step. Their fingernails and toenails curled into vicious meter-long claws, overgrown for a thousand years. These were the Rotwings.

"So they still exist in Nithos." Yu said grimly as he readied for battle. Lineir had to tear his eyes off the grotesque airborne legion to ask,

"What are they?"

"Old halfbreeds from the days when the angels visited Nithos. Once perfect paragons of men when they were born, they were ironically cursed by their greatest gift. Their immaculate wings which can cover the sky turned into their downfall. So enthralled were they with the sky and flight and their wings which set them apart from mortals that they eventually lost use of their body. Over time...their muscles rotted away and their flesh was run ragged into the wind for they never used anything but their Heavenborn gifts. Now they are insane, obsessed with the lost beauty of their wings, they are terrifying in appearance and still incredibly strong for the bloodline of Heaven though weak runs through their veined wings." A grim expression tainted his face as he answered. Lineir felt a chill as he heard this terrifying description. If Yu was to be believed then they were facing offspring born from Heaven itself! 

"How strong are they? Can they be killed?" Lineir asked and Yu chuckled grimly.

"Of course they can be killed. There is nothing in this world that cannot be slain. But each of them is blessed with natural gifts which far surpass mortals. Even with no knowledge of the Laws fighting them is an ordeal. Additionally, they are much swifter in the air than most cultivators which makes them very difficult to escape from. And in this place filled with Death Qi they are tireless and relentless. I fear our only choice with so many Undead surrounding us is to run and try to pass through the city while fending them off."

Lineir gazed grimly above at the floating Rotwings. Their eye's were glassy as if enchanted by the beauty of their own wings. Every few seconds they would shudder in the air in ecstasy as they brushed into each other. He held Mizuchi in his left hand and Mei in his right as he prepared to defend himself. As Yu exploded into motion the entire squad followed with him. Immediately the Rotwings dove down in a flurry of feathers to pursue.


Tap Tap Tap!!

Everyone ran for their lives, they disabled the concealment formation as it was useless now that so many Rotwings had sighted them. The only one who maintained stealth was Lineir. He was tempted to call upon the Madnes Rain but then he remembered Yu's warning. He was absolutely not to reveal his methods until told. And regardless at his boundary he doubted any area of effect abilities would have a strong effect against these things.



"Ting!" Yu yelled as Ting was sent tumbling when a Rotwing swooped down upon her. However, she quickly whirled 180 degrees and blocked with her sword, parrying the black talons and dealing a return slash which landed upon the feathered wings. A few feathers floated down and she rolled back up to her feet and rejoined the group.

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