Chapter 189-Schemes

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My bro got married yesterday! Lol

"Then my path to ascension is guarunteed." The girl stated proudly. Lineir shrugged, he had seen many powerful characters already. This girl might talk big but he wouldn't be impressed until he saw it with his own eyes.

"What's your name? I've already given you mine." Lineir realized that he didn't have anyway to really stop this girl from following him if she wanted. She was quite powerful, even with the Midnight Armor he had a nagging suspicion he would regret fighting her head on.

"My name? It's Xiao Gui!" She looked at Lineir as if expecting praise or something. He cocked his head,

"Little ghost? Fitting I guess..."


Lineir rubbed his stinging cheek as the Midnight Armor flared wildly. The wild slap rocked his head and he swore the armor had let it happen.

"..." He started walking again. She followed him all the way out of the inner sanctum, down the white marble steps, and back onto the bridge. When they arrived, Lineir tensed up, watching the water's edge. However, all was still. The Trial was over, the ancient array finally dead.

"I'm leaving. Are you really going to follow me?" Lineir stepped onto the bridge and looked back at the pensive Xiao Gui.

"Are you going to give me my father's armor right now?" She responded.


"Yep. I thought so." And that was that.


"Where are you going?" Xiao Gui asked Lineir and he just shrugged noncommittally.

"There's some unfinished business I have to take care of. Actually..." Lineir suddenly had an idea. If this powerful expert was going to be following him, he might as well try to make use of her! "You don't happen to practice the dark arts do you?" His calculated question was perfect! If she answered with repulsion as he expected he could enlist her help as a crusader of justice. And if she did then he could just appeal to her greed. All he had to do was say one line to bait the hook.

"What you think just because of my name I deal in that crap? I already told you I walk the Dao of the Sword, the purest and most essential Dao which exists! Why would I bother with lesser Daos?" There was great pride in Xiao Gui's voice and Lineir smirked inside though his outer face gave away nothing. It was like tricking a child, he almost felt a little bit guilty.

"Well then what if I told you I know of a dirty Sect which preys on millions of mortal souls? As a practitioner of the noble school of the sword wouldn't you be duty bound to take it down?" Lineir unleashed his trump card with a serious expression. She stared at him suspiciously,

"Well...if you put it that way, I don't really have time to deal with the problems of everyone, but I could make an exception. What Sect is this? As long as its not one of the sects with peerless experts I will let them know my Dao!" She proclaimed boldly and Lineir had to resist the urge to snicker.

"The Sect is called the Netherworld Refinement Sect. I was once told that they are a 2nd Grade Sect. They captured the soul of my mortal sister as well as many others from my world and while I managed to get her soul orb back, I still need the unlocking method to release her safely from the restriction. What do you say, want to pay a visit?" Contrary to Lineir's expectations there was little resistance. The mysterious girl seemed almost eager to go out on an adventure.

"Mmm 2nd Grade Sect. That means their strongest ancestor would be Pinnacle Celestial King grade at best. More likely an Intermediate Celestial King. Yea, I need to practice my Dao, let's go. Lead the way!" Xiao Gui suddenly seemed to be itching to go. Lineir nodded his head awkwardly.

"I don't know the way. Or rather I don't know how to travel through the void." He spread his hands wide as Xiao Gui snorted.

"Of course, I forgot your cultivation is quite low. Well no matter, I'll show you how its done. I assume you don't have their spacial coordinates do you? We'll go to a major city and buy some information. If they're as evil as you suggest they'll be quite easy to find. Watch, slice open the space and connect the void to where you want to go. The higher your cultivation the less energy this will consume and the farther you will be able to go." She drew her sword and slashed once.


The air distorted and a yawning tear appeared in the empty vacuum which widened into the dark void.

"You'll need to have the spatial coordinates locked down to find the right place if its not within the range of your Divine Sense. Come on, I can get us there in three trips or so." She grabbed Lineir's arm and jumped into the rift!


Lineir ruminated as the enigmatic girl speedily cut her way through space. He had learned a lot from her instruction but he wondered how powerful she was? He knew from Mei that above the Celestial Realm was the Celestial King realm, and then the Celestial Emperor Realm and finally the last step was the Celestial Saint Realm before passing through to the Empyrean Realm. Beyond the Empyrean Realm was the Demigod Realm and finally the titled God and Goddess Realm. The forces of the Hells had a similar progression though their equivalent realm was the King Realm. Properly it should be the Godking Realm but in order to avoid confusing them with the Gods and Goddesses of mortal cultivators they were usually just referred to by their title of King. This girl didn't fear someone at Pinnacle Celestial Emperor Realm. He grinned as he realized he could match her strength to some degree with the Midnight Armor.

"Hehehe what a lucky find. Yu, you've really outdone yourself, I came expecting to learn the secret to your Hematoma technique, but instead made out like a bandit with a powerful ally to boot!" Lineir crowed inside while mentally highfiving Yu's ghost. Together they cackled in his mind while riding through the void.

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