Chapter Three

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Harkins stepped out of his office. “We've had two more confirmed killings. The team at Wüfsbane's place has confirmed supernatural activity at the location. We are officially on the clock.”

“Dammit.” I said under my breath.

“Well, Kat, time to head over there.” Black told me.

“I know, John.” I sighed. “Hey, what if it was supernatural hunters?”

“Agent Purrowells, if we discover that supernaturals have begun hunting the wolves, then we will be more involved with the wolf community. Things will look very bleak.” Harkins eyed John.

“Hey, it wasn't my family, sir. I called as soon as you phoned me this morning. There have been no hits sent out of the wolves recently. The SFV has been quiet in relation to the hunters, sir.” John told our boss.

“Thank you for checking. That is a comforting thought. But it just confirms that this is more than this case appears to be. You two get out there and see what you can scare up.” Harkins ordered us.

“Yes, sir.” I saluted him.

“Purrowells, drop the attitude. People are dying.” He chided me.

“Yes, sir.” I turned and tried not to let my temper get the best of me.

John caught up to me at the elevator.

“What's with the attitude, Kat?” He put his hand on my arm to stop me from getting into the lift.

“Dude, take your arm off unless you want to lose it.” I snapped.

“Down, girl. Shit, what is wrong with you?” He took a step back.

“Look, you've never had to deal with the wolves. I've been a part of their pack when I dated my ex. I dealt with Andrea. The SFV pack is very suspicious of outsiders. As soon as we get to the site, we will be in constant supervision. Anything having to do with a dead wolf will have to have an overseer. And they will burn the bodies, soon. If we need anything we have to get it now. You say it isn't hunters... then there are some sick fucks in the Valley again. You want to sit around and kiss ass to Harkins, that's fine. I can handle this until Andrew awakens.” I sneered.

“We are a team, Kat.” His words were hurt.

“No. We were teamed together. You say you have my back, well, for once, trust me when I say I know this a lot better than you do.” I walked onto the elevator.

“Kat, I'm not against you. We'll do this together. It's clear you've got history with the wolves. Was if the SFV wolves that you have an ex in?” He tried to ask gently.

“No. I dated a wolf when we were in Georgia. I think one of my exs from high school might have been a wolf. Nothing to say for certain.” I swallowed the lump that suddenly formed in my throat.

“Kat, we can request a different team on this.” He suggested.

“We are the best. This is our job. Stop trying to be delicate with me. I'm not a broken kitten. The last case didn't break me, John.” I hated to be treated like a baby.

“I'll meet you at Wüfsbane's, Kat.” He said as he stepped off the elevator.

Dammit. I had forgotten I didn't have a ride.

“Gus?” I said into my phone and explained what I needed to do.

He told me he would come and get me and not to worry about it. I briefly thought about just using my vampire speed, but I knew that would only cause more problems. All we needed were vampire sightings in the paper. I was certain I would get in a lot of trouble with work if I was the cause of such a story in the paper. I grinned as I thought about it. It was suddenly very tempting. I stepped outside.

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