Chapter Eighteen

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Is it today? My brain was weird and the world felt off when I woke up. All I was wondering if I was going to try and make a Knower portal work today. I grabbed my phone. No, two more days. I didn’t know if I could handle just sitting around for two days trying find something to do instead of go insane.

I rolled out of bed and my feet didn’t catch me. I hit the floor hard.

“Ugh.” I just laid there.

There was the sound of feet rushing up the steps, then Gus charged into my room.

“Kat, what happened?” He looked at me with his warm chocolate eyes.

“Um, I tried to get out of bed, and my legs just didn’t catch me, and I can’t seem to get up.” My cheeks glowed under my embarrassment.

“The Master said that might be the case this morning.” He bent down and lifted me up.

“Oh, he did?” I grumbled.

“He drank too deeply from you. You are to drink one of his special drinks when you come down for breakfast and if you go anywhere today, you’ll need an escort.” He smiled at me.

“Interesting. I have a meeting at two.” I glanced at the clocked it was one. “Shit, I need to get moving. Literally.”

“Let me carry you downstairs.” He headed for the door.

“Can we make a pit stop in the bathroom?” I felt the heat climb back up my neck.

“Yes, of course.” He took me to my private bathroom, set me down gently, and then looked like he wasn’t sure what to do.

“I think I can handle it from here. But I’ll call for you if I need you.” I smiled at him.

He breathed a sigh of relief and stepped out. I think it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do by not calling out for help. But somehow I managed to go to the bathroom alone and get my pants back up before I called Gus back in. I won’t deny that I was seriously sweaty by then, but hey, you win some, you lose some- I’d call that a victory.

“Thank you, Kat.” Gus said as we headed downstairs.

“For what?”

“Well, one for sparing me that experience. But more importantly, for saving the Master. Even if you don’t agree with our ways, he really is our world.” Gus’ voice was voice and I knew this was hard for him to admit.

“Not a problem.” I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

He set me down on one of the stools in front of the counter.

“Now, the Master said for you to drink this the moment you came down. And to give you this.” Sophie slipped a letter out of her pocket and put it and the glass in front of me.

“Thanks, Soph.” I sipped the drink, I knew what it was before I even took a sip. It was Andrew’s way of trying to make sure I was okay. His blood would heal the damaged he caused by drinking too much last night. It tasted of chocolate, it was a nice gesture, but it didn’t take the sting away from everything that had been going on lately.

Once I finished I pushed the cup back to her and she took it without a word. I didn’t want to read the letter sitting in public. I wasn’t sure what he’d say and quite frankly I wasn’t sure I wanted to read it.

“Gus, can you help me back upstairs? I need to get ready. I can partially support my weight now.” I grinned at him.

“Let me carry you up, that way you aren’t late.” He offered.

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