Chapter 9

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Here is the next chapter in the series! Enjoy!

Chapter 9

Jasmine was ushered into the Great Hall, the Marauders leading her towards the Gryffindor table with wide grins on their faces as they pointed out and explained the different seating areas, as well as casting spells subtly for the master prank to go off. She ended up sitting sandwiched between James and Sirius with Peter and Remus across from her. The Great Hall wasn't all that different in the past, there were still candles floating in a charmed ceiling of the night sky, the house tables were longer, but in the same space. It was familiar, a welcome change from being in the past where everything seemed utterly different.

She wasn't left to her thoughts for very long before they watched as hordes of first years were brought in and sorted.

She had never seen so many kids get sorted at once and she looked around the school, there were at least seven hundred students in the hall and the staff table had ten professors she'd of subjects she had never been offered.

If Jasmine had thought that this school had been magically powerful with only a third of student body and faculty, she had been severely underestimating how concentrated magic could feel with so many untrained witches and wizards in a single space could create.

The war had taken too many people, too many muggleborns children in particular. Wizarding Europe needed to keep this blood alive and she was going to need to be that propellent of change. She had to get her father's research out and into the open. She'd found some rather interesting theories in a journal before she had left and wanted to bring her findings out publicly. Jasmine had a feeling that this discovery was what had her father killed in the first place, though the research was supposed to have been destroyed in the "car accident" that had taken his life.

She'd change as much as she could, make the future a better and safer place, not just for her, but for all the people that were going to be born in, friends that she was never going to meet.

Jasmine would do it, she'd save everyone, even if it killed her. Voldemort was going to be stopped far before he could get a larger foothold into the wizarding world. She had around six and half years before he would attempt to kill James, Lily and their future child. Not a lot of time to build supporters, but she could do it. Jasmine had knowledge on the future, she had an advantage. The first step to dismantling Tom was to take away his funding, which would mean talking to the Malfoy family and Black families, since they were his staunchest, and wealthiest, supporters.

Dumbledore stood after the last first year took their seat at the Slytherin table. "Another year at Hogwarts has begun! Now, as you know there are a few rules that I feel are necessary to repeat, due to some rather rambunctious students continually breaking them," his eyes traveled to the Marauders, who saluted him. A few chuckles were given at their antics before the Headmaster resumed speaking, "to reiterate, no one is to go into the Forbidden Forest, it received its name for a reason. The next announcement is that Professor Flitwick is going to start up his dueling club again. He is going to hand pick four or five students from each year to practice, and compete in duels with other schools."

Dumbledore looked like he swallowed something foul after he made that particular announcement. Jasmine wasn't entirely sure why. This way he would know who the best duelists in his school were. He could then attempt to recruit them to his order. But, it didn't seem like he was interested in fighters at this point, just sheep.

Jasmine grinned rather lazily at the idea of knowing all the best duelists in the school. She could use some friends that had similar skill sets to her. "Now, without further ado, let the feast begin!" Dumbledore said, clapping his hands, signaling for the food to appear, but nothing happened.

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