Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Classes began, and nothing really changed for Jasmine. Everything was progressing smoothly, that is, until her first defense class on Thursday. Professor Brightbark had introduced his class as a defense against the darkest of magics. "Magic should only be used in the pursuit of making the world a better place without the use of violence. But, sometimes, defense is necessary from those that would mean you harm," he had told the class, eyeing the Slytherins and Sirius and Jasmine in particular. Was he expecting them to jump and attack him? Jasmine had far better things to do than attack an overweight and out of shape Professor.

She had noticed that Sirius' fist clenched rather tightly when Brightbark singled them out as dark and potentially dangerous. To an extent, he wasn't wrong. Jasmine and Sirius were extremely dangerous. Jasmine had seen the way that Sirius dueled in the future and that was after years in Azkaban. She could only imagine how good he had been before his twelve-year stint in prison.

James gave Sirius' shoulder a slight squeeze and a sympathetic look. Jasmine wondered if this had happened to Sirius before. James had an uncharacteristic frown on his face as he listened the Brightbark drone on and on. "Now, there are different elements to magic, some more abominable than others. Some are born that way and need to learn to curb that malicious appetite."

Jasmine had a bad feeling the in the pit of her stomach. This class was starting to go in an Umbridge type of direction. It seems that this man much like the toad in the future, were terrified of dark magic, but for completely different reasons. Umbridge worried that teaching her students magic of any kind would be used against the Ministry in rebellion. Brightback was afraid that his students would use their knowledge to kill each other and turn each other dark, which was ridiculous. If Jasmine was going to kill anyone they'd never see her coming. She wasn't one to leave witnesses and classrooms tended to have plenty of those.

She blinked twice, realizing that she had missed a chunk of his speech. Oh well, it didn't seem like much had changed in the last ten minutes, save for different students dozing off in various places across the classroom. Only Lily seemed to be taking notes, everyone else had given up.

"Some branches of magic are darker than others...some are mutilated by them, while others are caught in between. In a grey space, if you would," He had stared straight at Jasmine as he said that. At first, she just thought that her scars had caught his eye and he recognized them as dark magic residue. It wasn't until he broke students up into groups did she notice his...bias.

Professor Brightbark had broken the room up into three groups by magical affinity: light, dark, and grey. The first two groups were nearly even, about twenty on both sides. Both Sirius and Remus were on the dark side, leaving James with Peter and Lily and some of her friends on the light side. This left a total of nine grey students, including herself, Severus and Marlene.

Jasmine had always pegged Severus as a man of dark magic. He adored the darks arts, but then again, he had always wanted to teach DADA. He was passionate about defending against attacks as he was in making them himself. That could put him into the grey magic spectrum more so than the dark magic one...why hadn't she noticed that sooner? It bothered Jasmine that she had missed so much about not only Severus, but Remus and Sirius, people that she had gotten to know rather well over the nine lives that she had lived over and over again in hopes of saving them all.

"Now, this is just preliminary guesses on my part of what kind of magic I sensed from each of you as you walked through the door."


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