{07.} What's Mint To Be

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What's Mint To Be

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Her calves threatened to fail, the burning sensation nearly intolerable if it wasn't for the fact that she was so close to reaching the top of the stairs.

Chantal was ahead of her and taking two steps at a time. She didn't know how anyone could have the energy to run up four flights of stairs without breaking a sweat. The plastic shopping bags dragged along the metal staircase, her arms heavy and too weak to the raise the bags beyond the height of her ankles.

Damn the manager and damn this building.

When they walked into the grotty apartment building, an orange notice slip was taped to the elevator doors. OUT OF SERVICE, it said. Tori thought of it as a final "screw you" from the management before her two month departure.

The frustration of the defeated elevator and the pain in her legs kept her moving. She climbed another three stairs, huffing and groaning with every step.

She thought about the leftover pizza waiting in the fridge and the soft pillows on the couch. The comforts of her apartment were calling for her. She would sprint up the stairs if she had the strength, but the weight of the day was dragging her down. The last time she checked her watch, the time said eight o'clock.

"Let's go, Tori." Chantal called from the top of the stairs.

"You're not the one carrying fifteen pounds." She tasted the sweat on her lip and continued climbing until she reached the top.

Chantal relieved her friend of the bags. "Are you okay?"

She stretched her spine, moving her body from side-to-side to flex the aching muscles. A warm breath escaped her lips. "I'm fine. I just need to hit the gym is all." She stretched her arms into the air and pulled at her spine. The movement felt good. Maybe if she couldn't make time for the gym, then yoga would be the next best thing. Her back was feeling better already.

Chantal bobbed her head in agreement and opened a door. It lead them into a hallway with beige carpet and dull walls.

They walked along the hallway and turned a corner to get to the west wing of the building. Tori was ready to kick off her shoes and lay on the couch with Cashew. Her feet moved faster as she neared her apartment.

She reached the white, paint-peeled door to apartment 78B. Chantal appeared beside her, the scent of her coconut shampoo reminding Tori that she felt hungry again. She reached into the pocket of her purse and searched for the key to her apartment.

"I can't wait to see how these outfits look on you." Chantal said, her voice ear-piercing in the stillness of the hallway.

"Shhh. People are trying to sleep, you know." She found the key and wiggled it away from the keychains on the long blue lanyard.

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