Chapter 3: Viper

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It was night, and it was calm and serene..Chloe and I were together on the roof, with our tails making heart shapes. She was a Soft Wolf, meaning she is soft but cheeky..cute right?! I was a Excitement Wolf. I technically get excited about EVERYTHING so it's hard to keep my ears and tail in. Since I was with Chloe, they appeared often.
Anyway, I pecked Chlo's lips and she headed back inside.
Then I stared at the stars..bOy was it pretty. Then, everything went dark.

Grayson's POV

I was having a nightmare..someone getting kidnaped. I didn't wake up, just wanted to see what would happen. I saw a blonde werewolf, well then his ears disappeared because he seemed stressed. He was an Excitement Wolf. Anyway, I saw a human there, he had brown long hair, and a tattoo of a snake in his arm.
"ALRIGHT, WOLFIE, SPEAK UP"the guy yelled.
The blonde boy seemed scared and tried to talk to him..I couldn't understand him. The snaked tattooed man yelled and punch him. Then I woke up.

What was that all about?! It seemed real but my dreams are USUALLY fake. I'll find out later.. anyway, I decided to text Corbyn since it was about 10 am so yeah.
☁️=You awake?
💙=Yeah, what's up?
☁️=just wanted to see if you wanted to hang out today? And wanted to say hi too😂
💙=well hi to you too😂 and sure! Where do u wanna meet?
☁️= The West Tear park?
💙=sounds good. Cya at 2 beaut.
Ok. I just made plans with a cutie! Mind you first time I do! I hope nothing goes wrong. I just wanna have fun with Corbyn and make sure nothing goes wild. I'm still wondering what that dream was about. I'm still curious about it. Whatever. I'm gonna go have breakfast and enjoy my day with Corbyn. But little did I know something was awaiting..

Yes ik it's super short but next chapter will be long. Sorry I haven't updated! Keep in touch for a new book that's coming up. ;)-☁️
W/C: 363

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2018 ⏰

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