Chapter 2: The Guy

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•Corbyn's POV•
I hate the guys sometimes.. just because!...never mind.
I was on my phone until I ran into a girl..she scent seemed, homey? I don't know but she felt soft.
"Hi?.." she said, confused.
I couldn't say anything, "Bluergh." WHAT THE HECK CORBYN!! 'Bluergh'?! UGH.
She giggled and drank some of her frappe.
"Uh, I'm sorry about t-that!" I exclaimed, scratching the back of my neck.
"It's ok." she said, calmly.
"So.." WHY COULDN'T I TALK?!!?!?!!

•Grayson's POV•
"Oof" I ended up saying.
"Haha!" The blonde guy laughed.
We kept staring at each other, for what seemed to last forever.
"So,Uh...what's your name?" he asked.
"G-Grayson.."I responded.
He seemed excited for getting to know me and WOLF EARS AND TAIL POPPED OUT!!!
I snorted with him but inside I WAS FREAKING OUT!! There was more like me?! OMG OMG-
"Grayson?" he said, with his head tilted.
"Mm..oh yeah! Your name was?" I chuckled, embarrassed.
"Besson..Corbyn Besson!" Corbyn smiled.
I smiled back. GOD WAS HE CUTEEEEEEEE. And no, not because of the ears and tail, he just seemed cool and chill :)
Wait..feelings? No, I've never had feelings before..

•Corbyn's POV•
My ears! Ugh..I should've known that would've happened.
You see, I'm an Emotion Wolf..male version. The female Emotion wolves have their ears and tail change colours. Males have them when they feel a happy Emotion, but after that, we can hide them. If we are feeling sad, they come out but they go down. When we are mad, they turn red and black and they stay up, and our tail does the same as ears but for mad, they get ruffled up and the colours keep changing. At least she laughed, it looks like she was ok with it! We exchanged numbers and we went off our different ways. I grinned and thought, the boys will see. I know what you might say. Corbyn, are you using her to impress your friends? Half. I actually like her. She is pretty and soft, I just love it.
I was excited so my ears stayed out.
I'm a fox, right? 😂. How can the girls not dig me! Oh no..I'm turning into Jonah and Logan..Anyway..I can't wait to get to know Grayson better.

Grayson's POV

Corbyn is actually pretty cute. His ears and tail! I think he is a Emotion Wolf like me. If he is, life just got better.
I went to my room and got ready for bed. This is what I wore.

My wolf ears and tail were out and they turned white

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My wolf ears and tail were out and they turned white. I wrapped hmy tail around myself. I was finally in bed. As I put my playlist to sleep, The Middle by Zedd, Grey and Maren Morris came on, and I drifted off to sleep.

Hope you guys enjoyed the second chapter!
Go to my insta: lovinthatjonah for updates!
Read my other story Our Elements! W/C: 507

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