Part Four

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I did as he said, washing everything as fast as I could. I knew something was wrong, he's never acted like that before. I got out and dried off, blowing out the candles, I made my way to my dresser to slip on my nightgown. I brushed my hair and looked around. "Ronnie." He appeared in front of me, a look of worry on his face. "What's wrong?"

"Another demon showed up, wanting to make you his. It seems I'm not the only one that wants you, Lexy. But I'm the only one that will. I chased him off." He eyes the cross and shook his head. "I want you to come with me tonight."

I nodded, maybe I shouldn't trust him as much as I did, but if he was going to hurt me, he would have done it by now. I reached around my neck and took off the cross, placing it in my pocket. I walked up to him and kissed him, slipping my tongue in. He moaned and wrapped his arms around me. We got lost in it for a moment, forgetting what we were doing. His hands glidding over my breasts, around my waist, to finally rest on my ass.

His grip tightened and he pulled my hips against his. He tore his mouth away from mine, still holding me to him. "The fucking things you do to me. I've never wanted anyone as much as I want you, pet." He kissed me again and when he lifted his head, we were in another place. A dark place, with no windows and very little light.

"Ronnie, where are we?" He cupped my cheek in his hand and gently rubbed his thumb across it.

"You're where I live, pet." My eyes widened and for the first time since I meant him, I was scared. I moved away from him, putting my hand in my pocket and holding my necklace. "Lexy. You're perfectly safe with me. They can't track us down here." I nodded and looked around. There was a bathroom and a bedroom with a huge canopy bed in the center with black curtains wrapped around it. I looked at him and bit my lip.

He walked over and stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "You're going to look amazing in my bed." I closed my eyes tightly as his lips ran over the skin of my neck. "I'll try not to mark you, at least in places people can see." He turned me to him and lifted me into his arms, he walked to the bed and laid me gently on it.
"Ronnie!" I screamed as he thrust into me one last time, both of us cumming together for the second time that night. He collapsed against my chest, kissing my neck over and over, telling me how much I please him. He rolled off of me and pulled him with him.

I looked up at him and kissed his neck. I sighed and I heard him chuckle. "What?" I asked him, proping myself up on my elbow.

"I just love how much I please you. I love how wet and hot you get for me, how much you long for me." He pulled me to him and kissed me lazily.

"How did you become what you are?" He looked taken back that I would ask him that.

"I was born this way. I didn't know it till I was an adult, till my powers came into effect. I fought it for a long time, but you can't always fight what you are. I meant Alec, he taught me what I needed to know and we shared a pet, many of them." I took a deep breath, feeling slightly jealous at the thought of him touching someone else. "We took a lot of souls as well, especially women's. They were easy targets. I mean, look at me." He smirked and I sat up.

"You enjoyed it?" I felt him move behind me, wrapping his arm around my waist, while his other hand moved my hair from my neck. I felt him kiss my neck and I couldn't help the jolt that went through my body.

"I did. Very much so. Then I saw you. It was a few years ago. Alec wanted you, wanted us to share you, just like we always did with pets. But I wasn't planning on making you my pet then. I just liked watching you, watching you sleep. You've always intrigued me." He turned my head toward him and kissed me.

"What changed?" I gasped as I felt his fingers circling my nipples, brushing against them gently. It was hard concentrating on our conversation.
"When I came into your dream that night. When I let myself touch you, finally in your dream. I was going to leave you alone, stop watching you, until you saw me that night. I wanted you too much." His hand slid down my chest and cupped me. I arched back against him, gasping out his name.

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