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i flinched carelessly enough to move out of the way to where my mother, who was stabbed viciously. the man stabbed her over and over again. the man who was supposed to be my father, i couldn't comprehend what i seen and i cried and cried. i cried and no one could hear me.

how come nobody's listening to me, i thought i mattered.

i seen my mother who was full of life 2 minutes ago to now how the tables turned quickly, so lifeless on the floor.

i just want her back, i need someone. we could've got rid of him, and turned him into the police.

'no. no. i don't wanna be alone.' i cried to myself, as i hear the worst of my demonic father.

slowly my mind begins to disintegrate and i shoot up out of my sleep, breathless. full of tears streaming down my face.

i can't help but cry, and i look around at the unfamiliar place, i notice i'm on the couch bed and i remember the break in.

i shake with fear and i wish i could get myself out of misery.

i can't keep having nightmares about my mother, i need help. i need sleep, i need someone.

i cry as silently as i can and hear a door open, the quiet footsteps walking towards the bed.

someone reaches out to me, pulling me in an embrace. i just need closure, and i'm not gonna decline it, especially if it's given to me without a price, and by someone i truly trust.

the big arms pull me tight into a hug, showing that someone is here to comfort me, which makes me sob quietly into his chest.

"shh.. it's gonna be okay." the deep voice says and i cry, and cry. until i can no longer cry.

i am emotionally drained and physically, but the feeling of closure was nice, and it's what i needed. ever since my family broke up.

it turned into a mad family, and i remember the exact day of it.

'march 22, 2017'

"w-wendy, get me a beer' my dad demands, slurring on his words and i'm confused to why he's drinking so early, and it's not a occasion.

"o-okay." i reply and he shoots me an evil glare.

"why the hell do you stutter so much!" he slurs angrily raising his voice, and his hand goes up as well. i flinch in response.

"move, i'm gonna get it myself because you're worthless. you do nothing for my nerves" he staggers towards the fridge, and i shake my head

this wasn't my dad, to this day i don't know what happened to him. i know some people just break, and that's what i had been leaning towards. he was just broken now.

i'm shaken back to reality in Brad's hug, which somehow calmed my breathing down. i still have tears running down my face but i manage to speak up.

"s-sorry for waking you up." i hiccup

"don't worry about that....did you have a nightmare?" he asks and i nod slowly.

we pull away from the hug and i put my head down.

"it's not a nightmare, since it happened in real life. i seen my mother die and now it's haunting me, in my dreams which are now nightmares." i cry and put my head in my hands.

"listen carefully, you couldn't do anything to save her, Wendy. he is a lifeless idiot who chose this. he will pay for this." he huffs and i close my eyes, tired.

"i'll stay out here until you fall asleep again." he comforts and sits in a chair. while i begin to slowly go back into a dark haze.

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