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i'm sitting on the couch with brad, and i hear a voice speak.

"i found you an apartment for sell, in my complex." he says showing me a pic of a lookalike of brad's apartment.

i nod "can we get into contact with the realtor?" i ask and he nods with a blank expression clearly focused on my laptop.

"yeah, i texted him and said if we can meet to get a tour and more details." he tells me

"thank you." i add on and turn my attention to the screen, while he continues to look at the laptop.

i feel him grab my thigh securely, and i look away insecurely.

"i've been so scared lately, but you've really been keeping my safe." i explain to him shyly and he smiles softly.

"you know i will always keep you safe." he comforts and i nod.

i feel a soft kiss on my forehead and i watch him look at multiple apartments.

"he texted back." brad says quietly opening up the message on the email.

"he said we can meet him tomorrow at 7am, are you free?" he asks me

"yes i'm free. go ahead and tell him yes." i confirm with him and he types back explaining how we'll meet.

"alright it's set." he says blankly closing the laptop.

"it's my job to keep you safe. i don't want you to have any bad memories of this hell hole again." he reminds me and i fidget in my lap.

"i know, it really breaks my heart that i didn't have enough money to bury her so i can at least visit her, instead they took her away from me. i grew up in this house, and i never thought i would be leaving it because my mom was killed." i remind myself in a quiet voice.

"i understand, in my opinion. they should've given you more time." he tells me in a sympathetic voice

"i know.." i look down and sigh

"i just can't wait to get out this house." i lighten the mood and he nods.

"i know."

"i think we should go to sleep." he says and i nod tiredly.

i feel his hand grab me up and i walk up with him to my room, where i fall asleep very quickly.


"wendy, please call the police." i heard my mom say in a breathless cry, reaching for my phone.

i was bawling and i had dialed 911. i couldn't get but feel anger. i wanted that man dead the one who made my mom die in my arms.

i jolt back out of my sleep and realize it's morning, i'm in the worst mood ever.

brad is also awake on his phone, and he turns to me confused.

"you alright?" he asks me and i nod.

"bad dream." i answer hesitantly.

"it's okay."

"is it though?." i cut short and he clicks his tongue in annoyance.

maybe i shouldn't lash out on my boyfriend because of my nightmares where my mom is constantly reaching out to me. it's not his fault but i just don't know to act when i see it.

i'm new to all this.

he gets up walking out the room.

"we're leaving at 7." he says blankly and i can tell he's in a bad mood now too.


i see him go into the bathroom and i lodge out of bed, going to my closet. i pick out a somewhat decent outfit. i wear leggings, a comfortable white crotchet jacket, and black boots.

i brush my teeth, and my hair.

i also do natural makeup and walk out to see brad on the couch downstairs already ready.

i go down and he gets up grabbing his keys and opening the door leaving it open for me to lock it.

i lock the door and meet him in the car where he drives off and we go to brad's apartment complex to meet with the realtor.

once we arrive about 20 minutes later, not to mention the awkward car ride i get out the car with him. we walk into the lobby, and are greeted by the realtor.

"hi guys. i'm Landon. nice to meet you, i take care of the apartments that get sold to everyone." he says shaking brad's hand, then mine.

"nice to meet you too. how long have you been in real estate?" brad asks stepping a bit far from me, which causes me to roll my eyes.

which is only a habit.

he glares at me, taking a wild guess he gave me that glare because he seen me roll my eyes.

oops again.

"i've been in real estate for about 3 years." the man says and i'm curious to find out why he is asking him questions.

brad nods and walks behind him as i take slower steps so i don't stand to close to brad, due to the awkwardness.

"here it is." the realtor says and the elevator opens to a very nice apartment.

"this is the kitchen which has a built in island, this hallway takes us into the living room, right next door is your master bedroom, and bathroom. this also includes a balcony view of seattle's finest luxuries." the man says and i nod impressed.

i decide to let brad do a lot of the talking since, i'm very introverted compared to him. he doesn't get awkward like me in situations like this.

"how old is this apartment?" brad asks curiously

"this is one of our newest remodels, not even a year old. we updated all the appliances and it's very secure." the man confirms and brad nods.

"nice, i like it. what do you think?" he asks me expressionless, i can tell he is still in a bad mood.

"i-i think it's nice." i stutter, nervous once again.

"okay... so?" he urges annoyed.

"how much is monthly rent?" i ask to see if this apartment is even in my budget.

"we only ask for 400 per month." the man says with a reassuring smile.

i give brad a look and he glares at me.

"can you give us a minute real fast?" i smile and the man nods going down the hallway.

"okay, I'm sorry i was really rude to you this morning. i just wasn't in a good mood." i apologize to him and he still looks blankly at me.

"okay, well now i'm in a bad mood. anyway do you like this apartment?" he questions me.

"yeah i do, i want to rent it." i say in a certain tone.

he nods and we walk back to the man, and he turns to us.

"we'll take it sir."


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