1 - My Depression

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Note: This story is dedicated to my friend who loves this story and wanted a dedication. Also it's dedicated to all the people who loved the first one enough to want a second! :)

This is a sequel. It helps if you read the first story but it's not necessary! Enjoy!


The searing pain inside my skull was so much for me to take that I had to lie down on the nearby couch. I rubbed my temples hoping that the throbbing would subside. I had no such luck just like in the rest of my life.

I was vaguely aware of the person who walked into the room and shoved two round pills into my hand. I sat up and my head protested loudly to the sudden movement. I quickly forced the medication down my throat without any liquid and waited for it to take effect.

It didn’t take long for me to feel the relief and I leaned my head against the back of the couch to let myself relax.  The room was silent which was odd. I took the time to listen to my own thoughts which was something that I rarely ever got to do.

Most of the time, my mind was muddied with the thoughts of everyone around me. It might seem really awesome to have the ability to read minds but it seems like a huge nuisance to me. Luckily, over the years I have taught myself how to block out most useless thoughts that people have. I can easily block out day-to-day thoughts about leaving the stove on or needing to drop by the store to pick something up. The only downside is that it takes a lot of my energy especially when there are a lot of people around me.

This drain of energy usually causes my ‘block out’ wall to collapse and everyone’s thoughts come rushing to my mind. It overloads my head causing the most intense headache in human history. I don’t believe any hangover or migraine can beat the pain I get when my brain is overloaded.

I don’t know what medication I took but it seemed to relax my mind enough to take away the pain and listen to the soothing sound of my own voice inside my head for once.

“Are you alright?”

I opened one eye to look over at the owner of the soft voice. I was unsurprised to find my mother sitting beside me with a worried expression on her face. I lifted up my head up and gave my full attention to her. Seeing her concerned about me wasn’t an unusual sight but it still bothered me.

“I’m fine now,” I reply with a small smile. “Thanks.”

My mother’s beautiful sliver eyes searched over my face to see if I was lying. She was really an extravagant woman with long curly chestnut hair, a perfect cream complexion, and her stunning silver eyes. They were always warm and full of expression. She had faint lines of aging on her round face that would never progress. She didn’t appear to be a day over 35 but what would you expect from a Greek Goddess.

That’s right.  As if my life wasn’t complicated enough let’s make me the child of the all powerful Athena. You might think that that would have its advantages too but so far in the 22 years of my life, I have discovered absolutely none.

“Zeus will be arriving shortly,” my mother announced sadly.

I sighed as I understood the hidden message in her words.  “Yes, Lady Athena,” I hissed as I stood.

My mother stood and grabbed my arm before I could even take a step forward. She was about a half a foot taller than meaning that I had to look up at her beautiful face.

“You know I never meant for this happen,” she began to say and I mentally prepared myself for this speech. “I wish things didn’t have to be like this, Avena, and you know that.”

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