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We finally arrived at Anthony's housing apartment a little past 3pm but to our luck Anthony had stepped out for the day possibly for the night.

From what his nerdy roommate had told us is he's quite the party type who stays out all weekend, and we might be able to catch him at any of the local parties the frat houses throw.

"Now what do we do?" I ask as I threw myself back inside jakes car

"We could go around and ask where's the party at" jake said with a small smile on his face

"You would just love to party with collage girls wouldn't you" Katie said giving him a small laugh

I didn't like that idea but if there both agreeing on doing such a thing then I had no choice but to follow behind.

"How about we just sit out here and wait" I suggested

"We could be waiting all night, c'mon Jess live a little" jake said

"Live a little? don't you think I have lived more then I need to"

"No, there's a lot more living todo" he smiled "all in favor for the party" he said raising his hand

Katie slowly raised her hand "sorry Jessie I kinda want to party"

"You can't drink Katie so what's the point"

"I can still dance, my feet aren't pregnant "

"Fine, but I swear if anybody does anything stupid il kill them" I hissed watching my so called friends run off.




We all three stepped onto the grounds on this so called house party but by the looks of it, it was more of a damn concert.

The yard was filled with dancing drunken collage students, some were throwing up in bushes while the rest were basically fucking, i grasp onto jakes arm frighten hoping that jake would see how uncomfortable this was to me.

The inside of the house was way worst, music so loud that a deaf person could hear, the room smelled of liqueur and vomit, the sweat was lingering in the air falling onto random people faces, the lighting was making my eyes burn but when I look over at jake, his face was plastered with a wide smiled.

For some reason that made me smile, it made my heart feel a sense of warmness along with chills I wasn't so sure what to make of this feeling but I knew I liked it.

I was suddenly pushed away from jake by some guy who's face I couldn't see "hey! let me go! " I slapped his forearm causing him to look at me "Anthony ?" I asked shocked

He turned his head away pulling me harder out to the side yard.

"Anthony what are you dong ?" I asked

He kinda throws me against a wall giving me a small smile "hey, Jessie cakes "

I rolled my eyes "did you plan on scaring me?"

"Not at all, but I must say Jess I'm flattered that you came all this way for me"

"About that, Anthony we need to talk"

He steps forward "about what?"

"Jessie !! where the hell did...." jake burst his way out the doors ready to yell at me but once he saw Anthony his mouth became quiet

"Jake, hey" Anthony said

"Did you drag her away?" he asked tony clearly angry.

"Yeah I did" tony answered

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