Well I Guess You Can't Escape School...

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Alone I sit a bar, staring mindlessly at my empty glass thinking about what has been and what is to come. I am to move on from this small town in England soon, I can't stay in one place for too long of fear of my family finding me.

I'm tired of running, I'm tired of living like this. I think back to the days where I was free, well sheltered anyway. As if on que the person who sheltered me from the storm that is my brother, arrives.

He sits next to me, a small forever lasting smile playing on his face and stares my way, while I continue to look at nothing. This man is a great power, younger than me yet wiser in so many ways. This man is Professor Albus Dumblebore.

I finally slowly turn my head towards him, while releasing an exhausted sigh. I allow a small quick smile in his direction and then wait for the inevitable request he has in store for me.

"Arabella its been a long time, it took me a while to find you, but I'm glad I did. The wizarding world needs you once again, our survival may depend on your capability to protect our only hope." He states calmly as though the heaviness of the words just spoken are meaningless.

A tired look plays on my face as I respond:"Dumbledore, I understand that you need me and I can't thank you enough for excepting and teaching me in the past, but I can't help you. I've changed. When Lily and James died, I switched it off. I did some unforgivable things and I don't want to be reminded of the pain. I'm sorry but I'm no use to you, I'm a monster. I'm the exact same as the thing you wish to destroy." Tears collect in my eyes, proving that my humanity is back. I look away and back towards the empty glass, trying to refrain from crying.

"My dear, we have all committed acts we regret but that mustn't tarnish the future. What I ask of you is to protect Harry Potter, he needs cover from the storm that is raging in the wizarding world. No one I know has the powers you possess, you can help him avenge his parents death. You can help him avenge your beloved best friends." Wisdom flows through his every word and I finally realise that I must help.

"Fine, I'll do as you ask, I'm not one to forgive or forget. I'm neither Jesus nor do I have Alzheimer's, I want revenge on noseless bastard. " I cheekily state.

A bigger grin appears on his face.
"I want you back as a student in Gryffindor, you will befriend and protect Harry without him knowing about our plan. I expect if your anything like last time, the teachers are up for a mischievous time." He chuckles last part.

"Well what can I say I have a thousand years worth of character in me."

This is it, it's time for the real me to return. No more moping and regrets. I will avenge my friends, but of course there is no harm in having a little fun along the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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