chapter five

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the chapter below contains sensitive topics such as bullying, homophobia, strong language, and sexual themes. the following content is intended for mature audiences. reader discretion is advised.

december events: 12/07/15 - all classes canceled due to incoming blizzard warnings. | 12/14/15 - 12/18/15 - finals week | 12/21/15 - 01/04/16 - winter break

12/06/15 | 2:38 PM | bridgette summer's house

bridgette sat on her shaggy carpet, her legs folded underneath her. in her hands was a bright blue spiral notebook, flipped open to a blank page. to her left was her phone, to the right gwen. straight in front of her was courtney, tearing open a pack of blue pens.

"you're putting too much thought into this bridge," courtney grumbled before clicking a pen open. "invite people you like and call it a day." the surfer huffed, glaring at the brunette in front of her. "it's not that simple. one, i'm only allowed to have a certain number of people over when my parents are out. two, i can't have any boys over after 10:00 and it's supposed to be a sleepover. three, it's on such short notice that i don't even know if anyone can come!"

"talk about overthinking." gwen murmurmed, laying flat on her stomach. in her hands was her dark green sketchbook, her left hand moving furiously over the yellowed pages. "watch me solve this little issue for you in like three seconds."

"gwen," bridgette turned slightly towards the right so she could better see gwen. "i've been at this since i woke up this morning." "easy. you can only have what, like ten people here? so me and courtney, obviously. then geoff, since you're basically in love with him."

bridgette's face went bright red at that. "then," gwen continued, ignoring bridgette's obvious embarrasmentment, "izzy cause you guys are on swim team together. and you don't want your party to be a drag with only four people, so you have to invite some of geoff's friends too. but it can't be anyone you don't know, because it looks weird if you do. so you'd add dj, duncan, and heather to the mix. i'd include alejandro but, you know. and you could tell izzy that noah and eva are welcome to come too, though they probably won't. boom. fixed."

"but i don't know geoff's friends that well. and i don't even think duncan or heather likes me."

gwen rolled her eyes, shifting her weight so she could prop herself onto her elbows. "give me your phone." "why do you want my phone?" the blonde asked, plopping it in gwen's hand. "i'm sending a text, okay? having a finals study party slash sleepover thingy at my house. it starts around five, let me know if you can make it. here's the address. and done."

"gwen!" snatching her phone from the goth's hand, bridgette stared at the text she had sent out. "i can't unsend this! what if they think i'm weird, asking them to come to my house! they don't know me! they could think that i'm trying to murder them or like force them to become vegan or fight them-"

"oh my god, bridge, do you hear yourself? you've known them for four months now, you can invite them to a study party." courtney's onyx eyes looked up from her phone, narrowing slightly at the blonde. "like there's gonna be any studying with geoff here," gwen muttered, her dark wispy bangs falling down her face.

courtney shifted, positioning her body to lean more against the pillow she was lounging on. "well there better be! finals are coming up soon and if i don't get an a on all of them, my father will literally disown me." a loud ping rang throughout the room, bridgette practically leaping to get to her phone. "guys! heather just texted! she said that she and geoff are coming!"

"this is good! if heather comes, duncan surely won't!" courtney beamed. "right?" bridgette's phone pinged again, the surfers voice almost immediately reading what had flashed onto her screen. "duncan is coming! and he's bringing alejandro?!" dramatically, bridgette threw her phone onto the ground and flung herself onto her couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2022 ⏰

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