Fat Cat

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I stuffed my head down the toilet bowl for one last time. My owner picked me up then dropped me down on the rug. Oops, sorry! Did I forget to introduce myself? My name is Fat Cat. I am a fat ginger cat, which I guess is where I got my name from. I scratched on the wooden door. My owner, Lisa, opened it and then scooped me up. She forced me into a cupboard and then locked it. You think your life sucks? Try living mine for a day. I heard a car engine start. Were meant to be moving house today. Obviously I'm not moving with them. I guess I'm just going to starve to death. I can't live without food for a day. I spotted something out of the corner of my eye. It was a purple bag with Kiety Phod written on it. Sorry, I'm a cat. I can't read properly. This must be the storage cupboard. Thank goodness. What other stuff can I find in here? I stood up on all fours and turned my head to the side. Vacuum cleaner, Vacuum cleaner, Mop, another Mop....... I'm saved! I sat down in the blue plastic box. My eyes squeezed shut. I gave a sigh of relief. That's better. Every cat needs a kitty litter if they are going to be locked in a cupboard. I ripped the bag of food. The biscuits came pouring out. I let out a big sniff. Ahhhh, the sweet smell of kitty biscuits. I stuffed my nose into them.

A week had now passed and yes, you guessed it, I'm still locked in this cupboard. I'm going to die soon. I can't even stand up. I now regret eating those biscuits all at once and not saving any for later. I havn't had any water either. My head flopped on the cold tiles. I heard a rattling on the door. There were some faint voices. Could this be happening? Are these people coming to save me? The door slightly opened. I could see light. A pair of hands picked me up. "So this is the little kitten all the neighbours have been complaining about." One lady from the SPCA said. "How much noise could a little fella like this make?" The other asked. Neighbours? Complaining about me? I thought they loved me! I didn't make any noise thank you very much. I'll teach them who's boss around here. I scratched the lady's arm with my claws. "Ooh, it's a fierce one!" The lady's laughed. They carried me down the stairs. "I can walk you know." I complained. The lady who was carrying me stopped walking. "Did you just hear that?" She asked. "Hear what?" The other asked. "Nothing. I thought I just heard a voice. Must be my hearing aids playing up again." She smiled. I blushed. I'm not supposed to talk when humans are around. They opened the van door. I jumped in. I was so cold and guessed that the van would be a lot warmer. The lady fed me some biscuits. The other gave me some water. I guess this is where my journey begins.

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