My Journey Begins

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I figured that if I was going to get adopted, I had to act cute and cuddly. I would do anything to get out of this place. The only good thing about it was that I got fed well. Very well, may I add. "Oh my goodness! Look, boy! We found your sister!" A lady said. Please, no. This is not happening. Why a sister? The lady put her down next to me. I gave her evil looks. She licked her paws. "Now be nice to your sister. No fighting. Her name is Honey and I expect you to treat her with respect."  Oh, yeah. I totally, love respect. I'm very good at showing it too. I rolled my sparkling green eyes. Honey circled me. "So you're my brother? You must be one lucky kitten." She joked. "Oh, yeah. Sure am." I replied sarcasticaly. "So why are you here?" She asked. "None of your kitty business." I said. "I heard you were abandoned in a house. Obviously nobody loves you. That's the oposite of me. I got all the love a kitten could want, but I didn't want it. I wanted to be free. I wanted to explore the world. So do you know what I did? I escaped. I was free until the SPCA found me on the streets and thought that I was a sick stray. They don't know anything about cats. I was happy, healthy and at least on the streets I could enjoy my life." Honey said. I looked up at the ceiling. I am not going to listen to her go on about her fabulous life all day. I must get out. "If you don't mind, I'm just going to go to the toilet." I lied. I walked over to the window. Why do they always have to be closed? I heard a bell ring. Oh, great, it's time for the customers to come. Wait, that is great! Maybe I can get out of here. Or even better. Maybe Honey can.

I rolled around on the carpet. I purred like crazy. Honey looked at me like I was some weirdo. I'm not though. Soon she will be wishing she had done it too. This place is incredibly boring. A teenager and a little girl came over to me. "Mum! I like this one! He's so cute!" The little one said. I have so nailed the Cute Factor. The mother came over to me. "He is rather cute, isn't he? But look at her. Isn't she gorgeous." She said. My sister? Gorgeous? I'll teach that mother who's gorgeous. Honey snickered. She groomed her fur. I hate her so much. While no one was looking, I got up and pounced on Honey. We rolled around on the floor, tackling eachother. "Hey, mum! Look! They're play fighting!" The little girl said. Oh, were not play fighting. This is for real. Honey scratched my darling face. I grabbed onto her tail. The SPCA lady came over to us. "That's enough." She sighed. "Which one can we get?" The little girl asked. "Well, these are not the only kittens in the world. There are plenty of others out there that we havn't seen. Are you sure you like them?" The mother asked. "Of course we like them. These kittens have had horrible lives in the past, this is our chance to make them feel loved again." The teenager said. "Honey has already been sold to a man, sorry. We just got a phone call from him. He asked if we could drop her off at his house." The SPCA lady said. "Well, then we'll take him." The mother said, pointing right at me. I do have a name. I think.....? Yes, I do. It's Fat Cat. "His name is Tyke." The SPCA lady said. Tyke! I am not called Tyke! Do these people know anything about me? For goodness sake. Maybe Honey was right. Maybe no one does care about me. The teenager picked me up. "He's so skinny and soft!" She smiled. I am not skinny! I can tell already that I am not going to enjoy this family. Nevermind. It can't be worse than the shelter. Or the cupboard. Don't even remind me.

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