Chapter six

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-chapter six - Luke's POV

I think a lot , is it a problem ? , that girl is just amazing ,but haha silly me I have an amazing , gorgeous girlfriend who just yelled my name .

"LUKE" Diana says

"Oh , yeah what's up babe ?"

" are you okay ? , it seems like you are thinking about something ?"

"Oh ,I just , I'm okay but I don't know how to spend tonight "

Diana came closer to the soft green couch I'm laying on ,sat on the ground just next to my head , her hands reached my waist , I turn my head to look at her smile when she said

" you're kidding right ? "


"LUKE ! , just tell me ill hang out with you ,plus "

She got up the ground and squeezed her body next to mine on the couch ,

"We didn't go out on a date for along time , don't you think ? Luke ?"

" oh yeah " I kissed her on the forehead "where do you want to go ?"

Diana jumped off the couch and started spinning , her short black dress is as dark as her eyes ,mysterious and sexy .

"I know baby , let's go to that restaurant we went to for our first date !"

"Diana I .."

She held my hands and pulled me off the couch and started spinning with me .

I pulled her closer to me , "anything for my princess"

And kissed her on her rosy ,sweet lips .

" have I ever told you how handsome you are in your morning boxers "

And that's where I realized that Diana is here to go with me to school.

"C'mon you , get dressed Ill wait for you in the car , don't be late "

She toke my keys , and gave me a kiss in the air as she closed the door.

I grabbed the hand of the closet door , opened my mysterious wonderland of dirty clothes and picked me some jeans ,navy and black striped shirt and my navy vans , I thought I'd leave my hair how it is today , I don't think it looks bad .

And as I was leaving the house I grabbed my leather jacket , coated my body with it and ran to my car .

"The sky is clear, but still cold " says Diana

"Yeah , all you need is a cozy cuddle , warm blanket and hot chocolate "

"Mmmm , speaking of hot chocolate , let's stop at Starbucks we still have time , please ,please pleaaase !!"

"Haha sure ,Diana "

As I parked the car , Diana yelled , "Luke I can't get out , there's a stupid bench in the way "

I stared at the bench and couldn't help but draw a soft smile on my face . I need to see that angel .


" huh?"

"Luke you are just freaking me out , can you park a little further ? "

And so I did .

Diana grabbed her hot chocolate cup , as I searched for the angel with the blue ,clear eyes , sadly she wasn't there .

When we got school , I saw my friend Max ,

Max is really sweet he helps me with girls issues he understands them pretty well , he even has a boyfriend , yes he's gay .

And I don't see what's wrong with it , people judge others for who they love , it's non of their fucking business .

Gender , color , age , size all of these DOESNT MATTER .

Max loves hugs , so I hug this babe every time I see him

"What's up Luke , and Luke's evil Ho"

Yes that's right , Max and Diana doesn't like each other , Diana is like the other people she judges him for his homosexuality which really annoys me a lot!

"I'm great , FAGGOT " Diana says

"Diana stop " my voice is annoyed I believe they have noticed .

"Diana why don't you go to your class , while me and Max go to ours "

"Huh , whatever bye bitch " Diana says

"Dude how do you handle that piece of shit" max says

"Maybe you both don't agree but I like her .a lot , I do " I added

"Any plans for today?"

"Yes , max , actually me and Diana are going to 'stakes and more ' restaurant "

"Oh God , it's expensive , she will make you broke in no time "

"It's not that bad , oh max look who's coming !"

It was max's boyfriend which is quite surprising because he doesn't study here

"What is he doing here " max asks surprisingly

"I don't know ,girly haha go to him "

As I see him walk away to his boy , they hugged and the "boyfriend" was crying on Max's shoulder .

I thought I should give them some privacy .

So I walked away to class alone .

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