New Year, New Me

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Scarlet's POV:

Its August The 30th.

First day of school now as a Year 11 and top of the school too.... if you exclude the college students who go here. I Really can't wait to get to school and show a new side of me like a fresh start but something about today makes me really uneasy.

Unfortunately i know what....or rather who.

I arrive to school at 6:30 am and sit at a table on my own in the corner of our school restaurant. Yep too early as always, a trait I've always had.

With approximately 2 hours 'till form time i put my earphones on and play some One Direction songs whilst singing along to the tunes. Thank goodness its too early and no one is in here to listen to my singing ('cause im not that great, if i do say so myself).

.........OKAY dont judge me, yes i still listen to One Direction even tho they broke up so long ago.


As time passes, a few more people start arriving, though thankfully no one from my year and no sign of the one person who ruined my life. I sigh, relieved...but that doesn't mean he wont be coming.  And it may be a new year but that doesn't me i can avoid him forever.

I text my friends hoping someone would arrive soon.

$carlet :  Guy's, you coming or just gonna leave me in the restaurant like a loner

Chae♥: ye i've just got off the bus, where you at?

$carlet : restaurant like usual

Chae is the sweetest friend, though she loves playing pranks on me...i mean i can understand why since im rather gullible i must admit. She's also the one person i know i can rely on to be on time UNLIKE SOME.... cough cough Florence a.k.a Flo

Fl_rence : You guys man

Fl_rence : It's too early...I'm going back to sleep

Flo has got to be the laziest and most devilish person i have met. If only i knew that before we became friends....

Chae♥ : ur gonna be late Flo

Chels_x : oh who cares...its the first day.... dont worry Flo imma be late too, forgot how long it takes to walk to school lmao

And then there's Chelsea....a right fucking bitch. Well someone has to be...

Kixra : Oh Fuck...we have school. Be there in 10mins.

and Kiara... A feisty character if you piss her off but hilarious even when she's mad.

As i see Chae enter the restaurant, i wave to her and she instantly spots me and walks over. Seconds after she arrives i see Luke Thomas with Matthew Smith enter and sit on a neighboring table...

"uh oh...This isn't good" Chae said knowing i was death staring Luke. I feel sick to the stomach and my heart aches yet he's there laughing with Matt like nothing ever happened. Doesn't he feel anything? Am i just irrelevant?

"quit death staring him, just move on" Chae snapped

"im so sick and tired of everyone telling me that" I moaned, they cant just expect me to move on from someone who i loved and who i thought loved me.

"we were happy" i sighed thinking back to the days when we hung out at Costa "we were in a long relationship for 8 months and what? im supposed to get over that!"

Kiara arrives ready to join the conversation...

"oh is this about Luke" she said rolling her eyes

"yeah who else" Chae moaned

"just get over him....this was all a fucking year ago" Kiara said

"it was EXACTLY this time last year, Wednesday 30th of August the day we split up and the day i was given no reason....i cant move on, i still love him and i don't understand why we broke up." i argued

"whatever" Kiara said.

"Yeah can we just not talk about Luke" Chae requested.

I glance over at the boys table the same time Luke looks at me. I look away not wanting to show him how much he's hurt me. He turns back to Matt and goes back to laughing...

' I love you Luke ' my thoughts recall.

And there goes my chance for a fresh start.

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