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Luke: We should break up

$caruke : Whyyy? Have i done something wrong?

Luke : It doesnt matter, i just think we need to break up

$caruke : Why cant you give me a reason? Pleaseee Luke.


On the group chat


Chels_X : Umm....what?!

Chae♥ : Yeah you guys broke up or what  @$carlet @Luke  lmao

Luke : yeah we did

Kixra : Wait whatttt???

Chae♥ : umm....i was joking

Luke : And i wasnt...we really broke up

Chels_X : wait why?

$carlet : That's what i asked

Luke : It doesnt matter. Just leave it.


Matt : Calm down.

Fl_rence : yeah give him a chance.

$carlet : whos side r both on????

Chels_X : woah woah wth you cant make people pick sides...chill wud ya


The sound of the school bell ringing wakes me up from my day dream. I hate thinking about what happened. And this new academic year is just the beginning of more drama....cant wait.

"eyyy up...woah what happened to you?You look like you're about to bite someones head off better not be us" Chelsea rudely greets.

"its lukeyyy" Chae mocks

"not funny" i respond

"Oh great...this world war 3 or we all good?" Chelsea jokes...yeah she really needs to shut her mouth sometimes and could today get any worse.

oh nope...too late...Florence has arrived

...hell has officially arrived.

"Shouldn't we be heading to class, the first bells rung?" Florence said which is odd since she's always late and never cares...guess she's changed since the holidays.

Thank God!

"im kidding...i dont care if im late, 5 mins till 2nd bell....thats enough time" she replies.....i take that back she hasnt changed.

"well im heading to form...dont want to keep talking 'bout Luke" Kiara said heading off

"ugh yeah same" Chae said walking off with Kiara to form.

HOW LOVELY...i better get out if i want to still live.

"Well...i dont want to be late either so imma head out see you in for-"

"woah woah whats been happening with you and Luke now...we wanna know" Florence asked...UGHHH these people.

"He dumped me.

I love and hate him.

He absolutely hates me.

Im heart broken

but no one gives a TOSS and just wants me to get over it but i cant" I speed talk

"Okay...." florence steps back...

"now if you dont mind can we keep our distance from him as much as possible..."i finished

"WE?! OHH..HELL to the NAH...we aint starting this again" Chelsea replied walking off to join Luke and Matt then leaving the restaurant together.....WTF?!?! betray much?

"ooh.....bit awkward." Florence giggled watching me glare at the now closed door

"Shut up Flo" i moaned

"well.....changing subjects Scar...lets head to form. I'd rather be on time to form than stay here listening to you rant longer....no offense i just don't like talking about Luke" Florence spoke.

"Yeah okay."

I cant help but wonder how many people hated me and Luke being together. Chae and Kiara don't want to listen to me going on about him. Florence doesn't like either of our names in one sentence and Chelsea's walked off WITH HIM and Matt.

I bet even Matt hated us together too and their friends Alyssa, Natalia Charlie and Kyle.

I thought they all loved our relationship...they're the ones who started the ship name Scaruke...

8 months being together and none of them said anything.

Something is really up with that. Am I missing something?

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