What is the color of love?

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Well first what is love?

You need to know what love is before you can describe the color of it. And for that we go a little bit deeper, love can take many forms. A parent, teacher, soulmate, or a pet. But it is a pretty simple love is love. Asking what is love is like asking what is swimming? or what is running? When people see it they know what it is. To love is to give. You think about the other person. Now that we know what love is we can now know what color love is. If you ask a child or some adults they will say red or even some pink.

They think of that because when the adults were smaller they associates red with the heart shapes that they would color in with the red crayon. But love has more color than just that. Love is the color of your lovers lips after you have kissed them. The color of your moms necklace you remember holding onto as she held you in one arm and made you a snack with the other. The color of a brides wedding dress as she walks down to her love. The tears her dad sheds as he gives her away. The color of her cheeks when you compliment her. The color of his eyes when you first tel him that you love him. Love takes many forms, and can come in many colors but what isn't different is the feeling of love. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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