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Luxe Lilah
u here?

Sexy Sandra
yes girl
what's up? everything

Luxe Lilah
yeah everything is perfect
I'm in the bathroom we
just ate and we're going to
a bar

Sexy Sandra
great! so how is he? Cute?
I bet he is cute

Luxe Lilah
he is the cutest
Sandra I'm in trouble

Sexy Sandra
What trouble??
should I call the police?

Luxe Lilah
what? no!
I'm in trouble because...
I think I'm falling for him

Sexy Sandra
oh sweetie!
that's not a problem

Luxe Lilah
It is!!! he is Timothée
fucking Chalamet!!

Sexy Sandra
so what?
You just had dinner
with him and I assume
it went perfectly

Luxe Lilah
but I can't fall for him
he is... way out of my

Sexy Sandra
first of all, how many times
do I have to tell you
that you are the one
who's out of others'

and second I'm pretty
sure that guy is falling
for you too, I know it

Luxe Lilah
I don't know
okay I gotta go now
I'll text you later

Sexy Sandra
Okay have fun!
and don't stress too much!



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@tchalamet cheers

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@tchalamet cheers

301 832 likes  6 113 comments

@username is he with Lilah???

@username who's the other person?

@username def a girl

@username omg it's their first date!!

@username So are they a couple now?

@username not that Lilah girl again ahh

@armiehammer don't get wasted kids!
@Lililah chocolate wasted?
@armiehammer nothing wasted
@elizabethchambers let them live Armie!
@tchalamet thank you Elizabeth

@username Where are they??

@username they hook up lol

@tchalamet The sunrise caught us

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@tchalamet The sunrise caught us

386 772 likes  4 827 comments

@username nice picture

@username Sunrise is always so beautiful

@username with Lilah??

@username that was a hella long date

@Lililah 😊

@username LIMMY 4EVER

@username so are they dating now? like officially?


Lil Timmy Tim
Text me when you get home

you literally walked me
home, you saw me
walk into the building

Lil Timmy Tim
but not into your apartment!

you're crazy
but I'm home

Thank you for tonight
it was amazing to 
finally see you

Lil Timmy Tim
It never happened to
me that I went to have
dinner with someone and
ended up seeing
the sunrise together
so it was pretty amazing 
for me too

I guess we had a lot
to say

Lil Timmy Tim
But I loved finally seeing
your pretty face

when can I see you next?

out of the two of us
you are the busier
so you tell me!

Lil Timmy Tim

I get off work at four

Lil Timmy Tim
perfect, I have a meeting until
three, I can pick you up
and how about a coffee
or something?

I'd love that

Lil Timmy Tim
then it's official

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