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As Lilah parked her car down in front of the building Timmy lived in she couldn't stop nerveously drumming her fingers against the wheel. She didn't sleep through the night even though she tried everything. Relaxing sounds, bad TV shows, books, nothing could get her to fall asleep. It was all because she was afraid Timmy wouldn't come back as soon as he promised it. She was mad for acting so horrible about the whole Sandra thing andshe didn't understand why Timmy didn't hold it against her at all. She really acted like a bitch even though it hurt her as well.

When she saw Timmy exiting the building with his shades on and two bags in his hands she got out and they met at the back of the car as she opened the trunk for him.

"Morning, Sunshine. Have you slept well?" Timmy asked with a cheeky grin as he put his bags into the trunk. Lilah just rolled her eyes shutting it close.

"You're an ass." She mumbled as they both headed to their side of the car.

"Me?" he chuckled playfully. "I did not keep you up all night, you chose not to sleep."

Yes you kept me up, she thought, but didn't say it out loud as they both got into the car and they left.

For a short time a heavy silence fell on them, but Timmy was fast to break it. They started talking about small things, anything that didn't have anything to do with him leaving the city. He was careful not to make it harder for Lilah since he knew how doubtful she was about the situation. Lilah started to forget about where they are really heading and could enjoy spending some time with Timmy, but it all vanished when they arrived to the airport. 

They walked into the terminal in total silence and stopped in a corner so Timmy could check where he needs to check in and head into the transit zone.

"Okay, got it. I still have some time so... let's talk," he said once he checked if everything was alright with his flight. Lilah's heart skipped a beat and even though about running away. Texting Timmy in the middle of the night didn't seem the brightest idea anymore and she wished she kept her doubts to herself.

"Mhm, let's talk," she mumbled avoiding looking at Timmy, but he was determined to actually talk this out. Even though he was just as nervous about it as she was, but he tried to keep calm for Lilah.

"I know you think I won't be back for months, but it won't happen."

"Timmy, how long were you away before you came back this time?" She questions and it immediately makes him feel guilty.

"It doesn't matter."

"I checked it. Almost two months."

"Damn the internet," he mumbled under his breath. "It doesn't matter now. I will be back in no time, okay?"

"And why are you so sure about that?" she asked still not looking at him.

Timmy then grabbed her hands and pulled her closer to him. Their chests met for a short second as the space between then disappeared. Her eyes went wide and she held onto his upper arms while Timmy had an arm around her waist. They stared at each other for the longest moment in history, before Timmy turnd a bit away to look around and see if anyone is watching them. Thankfully, no one was batting an eye about them, so he turned back and now they were awfully close to each other, their lips almost touching.

"I'm sure about it because there is something I want to do right now so badly, but I won't do it so I'll come back as soon as possible to finally do it."

"And what do you want to do exactly?" Lilah whispered totally out of her breath. He didn't answer, just smiled at her widely before kissing her cheek and letting her go.

"I have to go. Will you be here when I come back?" he asked grabbing his bags from the ground. Lilah nodded her head still dizzy from how close she was to him just a moment ago.

"Yes," she whispered.

"Great. Then see you very soon," he smiled as he started walking backwards so he could still see her and she stayed at the same spot.

"Yeah, see you," she finally let a small smile spread across her face. Timmy wiggled his eyebrows making her laugh before he turned around and ran to the check in counter. 

Lilah watched him stand there for a short time before his bags were taken away and he headed to the security check. He glanced back one more time, waving at her before the crowd swallowed him. 
Her heart was still beating crazily as she stood there for another ten minutes. Then she slowly walked out to her car and left hoping that in exactly two weeks she would be back here to see him again.

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