Red Planet: A Sci-Fi Story

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What is it, really?

It's a concept. A form so large that the human mind can't comprehend it. An infinite, inky blackness. Into which the people from Earth had barely begun to explore. But they had to start somewhere.

Ares thundered into the designated landing spot. As the largest of the settler ships, it gained the most passengers, the most cargo, oxygen and basically everything else. It also got the best name - Ares, after the god of war that Mars was also named after - and the safest spot to build a city.

Three thunderous ion jets faded out of existence as auxiliary thrusters kicked in. Eager faces pressed against the window - children, families, loners, all for a moment felt the same, humans against the nightmarish red planet that their home for the last six months rested upon. No matter who they were, they knew that Mars didn't care. And for a moment, they were one.

Then that moment faded.

Pressure hatches hissed steam and blinked lights as passengers made their own way down the various hallways and elevators of Ares. The wealthier in first and second classes gained instant privileges to the elevators that luxuriously let them descend to the airlock bays. Those in civilian and lower classes left the ship by stairwells or ladders. But in the end, they all made it off the ship and into their new world.

ATMTVs (All-Terrain-Mobile-Transport-Vehicles) transported the masses into preconstructed bunkers that were built to host the population of Earth while the final touches were being placed in the city. It was to be named Olympus. Domes of clear, plastic-like canvas material were held into the ground with steel beams, oxygen producers placed in air plants, and food sorted and calculated. Weaving nests of underground tunnels, homes and centers became powered by huge wind and solar panels that were placed and left in the Martian soil. Lights flickered, and the colony of Olympus sprang to life. Citizens were let in, ATMTVs docking in at vehicle ports along the sides of the colony. Jobs were assigned, homes designated, and humans began to settle in.

Those who were chosen to earn their living in the mining program entered mechanical exosuits equipped with drill components. AI guided them to their target caves, where large amounts of Martian rocks and minerals were mined. 

Inspired by Event[0], The Martian and another Mars trilogy I forgot the name of, respectively. I asked myself what I think humans would do if we went to Mars, and so this was born. It was also partially inspired by a talking game me and my little brother did. (What are talking games? Coming up!)

Vaarwel! - Greywolf

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2020 ⏰

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