A Broken Bottle~Wesley Stromberg

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I sit at my bedroom window, praying that that car, the red Chevy Camero will never come. But, every other Sunday the car sits, waiting for my broken body to appear. Not just the outside of me was broken with cuts, and bruises, but my insides had the worst of it. My heart was torn, my feeling were ripped into shreds, and my life was dangling by a small, delicate rope.

The Camero sits, and my torcher beings.

"Sweety, your fathers here" my mother yells up the steps to me. Only if she knew what he does to me.

I travel down the steps and engulf my mom in a bear hug.

"I love you mom, see you next week" I say, leaving her from my grasp.

I walk out of the door, and open the car door, revealing my nightmare.

"Hey my sweet, sweet, Zoey" he whispered in my ear. Another week of tourcher to live through. I feel a tear roll done my tear, and begin to panic. No, no,no! Crying makes him worse.

"YOU BABY! CRYING!!! I haven't even began, you twit!!!" He yells at me. He reaches under my bottom, and grasp my cheeck. Tight.

We drive down the Califonia road, and I stare out the window. 7 days. The filling of silence horrifies me.

We arrive at the brick house, and my brown locks are pulled down to the basement. I'm thrown on bed, and close my eyes to hide the tears.

"You cried Zoey, that means more. You know by now thats not what you do. Your clinet will be here in 2 hours so that leaves more fun for me" he whispers in my ear.

He rips off his belt, and begins to beat me. He beats in the places where my mom won't see, and says 'he will kill my mother and me if I tell.' If it wasn't my mom, I would let tell every living thing.

With every beat, he yells things at me. Things that no father should say to their daughter.

He finally stops, after what feels as an enternity. "This man is paying $500 to do what ever he wants with you. If you mess up, I swear, your mom will be gone!" he spits at me leaving the room. I get dressed in the clothes he leaves for me. A purple laced bra, and a matching thong. I dress quickly, just in case he comes through that door.

Just as I finish, the 'clinet' walks in, pushing his lips against mine.

------------The next morning

I wake up in my room to the sound of my alarm. I go to my closet, to just throw on sweats and a random shirt. My hair is twisted in a bun, and I run out the door.

Yes, I go to school, even though my father hates it. I'm quiet, and I have 1 best Friend, Cleo. She knew about my fathers horrible ways, but she never brings it up, because she knows I don't want to talk about it.

"Omg!! Zo, there he is!!!!!!! He just transfered, and I'm already in love" she cheers, staring from a distance.

"Who is that?" I ask, about the boy in the snapback.

"Drew Chadwick, he's in our grade, and we are going to get married" she dreams. I glace at Drew, and then Cleo. She was perfect! She had medium, brown hair, with foam green eyes. (A/N hehe :)) Her legs were natrully long, and she always had the best tans. I had no douht she wouldn't get Drew!

"Cleo talk to him, he will fall head over heels(a/n let me stop) to be with you. If he doesn't then"...

I was soon cut off by the hottest thing that has ever walked planet earth. All my pain fanishes away while staring at him. Close your mouth Zoey!!

"EARTH TO ZOEY!" I hear Cleo shout. She sees who I was mentally marring, and understands."Thats Wesley"

Wesley, he is.... "Watch out dork" I hear him say while crashing into me. I didn't say anything, my father taught me never to speak back. His crew of girls follows behind, 5 sluts.

"Hey, jerk don't do that!" Cleo pushes him back.

"Nah, I'll pass. She seems to like it." A smack on the butt and a push to the ground resouted in me doing nothing. As much as I wanted to, my body didn't let me.

I hear the laughs fade in the distances, as a hand helps me up.

"Hey, I'm Drew. Sorry about Wes, he can be a real ass. Are you ok?" Cleo's future husband ask me.

"I I I'mm ffiinne. Buttt, sshshe got itt wworrsse" I point to Cleo. No, I don't studder, only around men. Yes I'm afraid of all of them. Even my male teachers, I had to switch to all females!

He goes to talk to Cleo, asking her questions, and her cheecks turn bright red.

After they begin talking, I grab my things and walk to class. Once I walk in, I get tripped by 'him'.

"Opps, my bad, I didn't see you there" he laughs at my face on the ground. Great, he's in my homeroom.

I sit at my seat, and the empty desk at my table, isn't so empty anymore. Peachy, just peachy.

Soon, Cleo walks in with Drew hot on her tail. She takes her seat infrount of me, and Drew sits next to her.

"Sup bro" Wesley says to Drew. Drew doesn't responds, just looks at me, then at Cleo.

"Do you to want to come to a party tonight?" Drew ask us.

"No! No lames at my party."

"Well then don't go to your party Wes. But you guys should come".

"I can't."

"Please try" Drew says, sticking out his bottom lip.

Later in life, I relized how much that 1 party changed my whole life.


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